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North Square RCIM稅收優惠優先股和收益證券主動型ETF〈QTPI〉
RSBAReturn Stacked債券及併購套利主動型ETF 0.9819
BSJPInvesco BulletShares 2025非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2025 Index0.9786
CSHPiShares增強型短期債券主動型ETF 0.9770
NBTRNeuberger Berman總報酬債券主動型ETF 0.9716
XTREBondBloxx彭博三年期美國國債ETFBloomberg US Treasury Three Year Duration Index0.9687
SUSBiShares ESG感知1-5年期美元公司債券ETFBloomberg MSCI US Corporate 1-5 Year ESG Focus Index0.9641
XBBBondBloxx BB級美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE BofA BB US Cash Pay High Yield Constrained Index0.9625
GHYGiShares美國與國際非投資等級公司債券ETFMarkit iBoxx Global Developed Markets High Yield Index0.9622
MEXXDirexion每日三倍做多MSCI墨西哥ETFMSCI Mexico IMI 25/50 Index0.9596
GNMAiShares美國政府國家抵押債貸款債券ETFBloomberg U.S. GNMA Bond Index0.9592
FPASFPA短期政府主動型ETF 0.9546
PICBInvesco國際公司債券ETFS&P International Corporate Bond Index0.9534
ISHGiShares 1-3年期國際政府債券ETFFTSE World Government Bond Index-Dev Markets 1-3 Years Capped Select Index (USD)0.9520
FIBRiShares美國固定收益平衡風險系統ETFBloomberg U.S. Fixed Income Balanced Risk Index0.9477
USGUSCF黃金策略加收益主動型ETF 0.9474
HYDWXtrackers低Beta非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Low Beta Index0.9465
IBDRiShares iBonds 2026年12月期公司債券ETFBloomberg December 2026 Maturity Corporate Index0.9426
AGZiShares機構債券ETFBloomberg U.S. Agency Bond Index0.9413
HSRTHartford AAA級CLO主動型ETF 0.9399
UFIV美國國庫5年期票據 ETFICE BofA US 5-Year US Treasury Index0.9380
IEIiShares 3-7年期美國公債ETFICE U.S. Treasury 3-7 Year Bond Index0.9373
COMDirexion Auspice總體商品策略ETFAuspice Broad Commodity ER Index0.9370
SPTISPDR投資組合中期公債ETFBloomberg 3-10 Year U.S. Treasury Index0.9347
PGFInvesco金融優先股ETFICE Exchange-Listed Fixed Rate Financial Preferred Securities Index0.9342
IBTJiShares iBonds 2029年12月期公債ETFICE 2029 Maturity US Treasury Index (USD)0.9324
FXEInvesco CurrencyShares歐元ETFWM/Reuters Euro Closing Spot Rate0.9323
FXFInvesco CurrencyShares瑞士法郎ETFWM/Reuters Swiss Franc Closing Spot Rate0.9320
ZTWOF/m 2年期投資級公司債ETFICE 2-Year US Target Maturity Corporate Index0.9319
RSSEFT Vest美國股票等權重緩衝主動型ETF-9月 0.9319
BSJWInvesco BulletShares 2032非投資等級公司債券ETFBulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2032 Index0.9278
INMUiShares中期市政收益債券主動型ETF 0.9278
PHYSSprott實體黃金信託ETFGold Price0.9270
FGDLFranklin可靠來源黃金主動型ETF 0.9232
RTRERareview總報酬債券主動型ETF 0.9231
BSJRInvesco BulletShares 2027非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2027 Index0.9230
BWXSPDR彭博國際政府債券ETFBloomberg Global Treasury ex-US Capped Index0.9228
VMBSVanguard抵押貸款證券ETFBloomberg U.S. MBS Float Adjusted Index0.9220
HISFFirst Trust高收益戰略焦點主動型ETF 0.9213
JHCPJohn Hancock核心升級債券主動型ETF 0.9207
FTBDFidelity戰術債券主動型ETF 0.9193
SECRNYLI Mackay證券化收益主動型ETF 0.9191
FISRSPDR道富固定收益行業輪換主動型ETF 0.9172
HYRMXtrackers風險管理美元高收益策略ETFAdaptive Wealth Strategies Risk Managed High Yield Index0.9166
PSKSPDR ICE優先股ETFICE Exchange-Listed Fixed & Adjustable Rate Preferred Securities Index0.9166
MBBiShares抵押貸款證券化債券ETFBloomberg U.S. MBS Index0.9161
BSCSInvesco BulletShares 2028公司債券ETFNasdaq BulletShares USD Corporate Bond 2028 Index0.9150
VGITVanguard中期公債ETFBloomberg U.S. Treasury 3-10 Year Index0.9147
GLDIETRACS黃金掩護性買權ETNCredit Suisse NASDAQ Gold FLOWS 103 Index0.9133
BHYBXtrackers美元非投資等級BB-B金融股除外ETFICE BofA BB-B Non-FNCL Non-Distressed US HY Constrained Index0.9131
IBHFiShares iBonds 2026年期非投資等級與收入ETF"Bloomberg 2026 Term High Yield and Income Index "0.9129
IBHIiShares iBonds 2029年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2029 Term High Yield and Income Index (USD)0.9114
3191Global X中國半導體ETFFactSet中國半導體指數(淨總回報)0.9089
BNDVanguard總體債券市場ETFBloomberg U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index0.9080
GVIiShares中期政府/信用債券ETFBloomberg U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index0.9061
FEMSFirst Trust新興市場小型股AlphaDEX指數ETFNASDAQ AlphaDEX Emerging Markets Small Cap Index0.9056
BSJUInvesco BulletShares 2030非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2030 Index0.9052
TBIL美國國庫3個月期票據ETFICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index0.9049
SHYLXtrackers短期存續期間非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market 0-5 Year Index0.9037
FLXRTCW靈活收益主動型ETF 0.9034
IBTKiShares iBonds 2030年12月期公債ETFICE 2030 Maturity US Treasury Index (USD)0.9033
WBNDWestern Asset總報酬主動型ETF 0.9028
HYUPXtrackers高Beta非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market High Beta Index0.9018
UTRE美國國庫3年期票據 ETFICE BofA US 3-Year US Treasury Index0.9002
SIFIHarbor Scientific Alpha收益主動型ETF 0.8992
MLDRGlobal X中期國債階梯ETFFTSE US Treasury 3-10 Years Laddered Bond Index0.8988
IBHGiShares iBonds 2027年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2027 Term High Yield and Income Index0.8983
JHCRJohn Hancock核心債券主動型ETF 0.8976
TOTLSPDR DoubleLine總報酬戰術主動型ETF 0.8950
XHYCBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券消費週期類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Consumer Cyclical Index0.8945
IBTIiShares iBonds 2028年12月期公債ETFICE 2028 Maturity US Treasury Index (USD)0.8937
IGOViShares國際政府債券ETFFTSE World Government Bond Index - Developed Markets Capped (USD)0.8933
BJKVanEck博奕ETFMVIS Global Gaming Index0.8920
GAACambria全球資產配置ETFCambria Global Asset Allocation Index0.8910
FTAGFirst Trust Indxx全球農業ETFIndxx Global Agriculture Index0.8894
EWXSPDR標普新興市場小型股ETFS&P Emerging Markets Under USD2 Billion Index0.8885
BOXAAlpha Architect綜合債券主動型ETF 0.8884
TYDDirexion每日三倍做多7-10年期美國公債ETFICE U.S. Treasury 7-10 Year Bond Index0.8882
HYLBXtrackers美元非投資等級公司債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Index0.8880
DMBSDoubleline抵押貸款主動型ETF 0.8879
HYSPIMCO 0-5年非投資等級公司債券指數ETFICE BofA 0-5 Year US High Yield Constrained Index0.8871
ABHYAbacus戰術非投資等級ETFFCF Tactical High Yield Index0.8865
FCSHFederated Hermes短期公司債主動型ETF 0.8863
ISDBInvesco短期債券主動型ETF 0.8857
JMBSJanus Henderson抵押貸款證券主動型ETF 0.8849
BBBSBondBloxx BBB評級1-5年期公司債券ETFBloomberg US Corporate BBB 1-5 Year Index0.8846
EDOCGlobal X遠程醫療與數位健康ETFSolactive Telemedicine & Digital Health Index0.8837
LDRHiShares iBonds 1-5年期非投資等級與營收階梯ETFBlackRock iBonds 1-5 Year High Yield and Income Ladder Index0.8836
BSJTInvesco BulletShares 2029非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2029 Index0.8833
XFIVBondBloxx彭博五年期美國國債ETFBloomberg US Treasury Five Year Duration Index0.8829
OUNZVanEck Merk黃金ETFSolactive Gold Spot Index0.8826
GOLYStrategy Shares黃金避險債券ETFSolactive Gold-Backed Bond Index0.8822
IBTPiShares iBonds 2034年12月期公債ETFICE 2034 Maturity US Treasury Index0.8821
EMLCVanEck J.P. Morgan新興市場當地貨幣債券ETFJ.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Core Index0.8820
9191Global X中國半導體ETFFactSet中國半導體指數(淨總回報)0.8820
EWWiShares MSCI墨西哥ETFMSCI Mexico IMI 25/50 Index0.8801
EUSBiShares ESG高級總體美元計價債券市場ETFBloomberg MSCI US Universal Choice ESG Screened Index0.8798
XHYIBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券工業類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Core Industrials Index0.8787


一、 績效計算為原幣別報酬,且皆有考慮配息情況。基金配息率不代表基金報酬率,且過去配息率不代表未來配息率。所有基金績效,均為過去績效,不代表未來之績效表現,亦不保證基金之最低投資收益。
二、 基金淨值可能因市場因素而上下波動,基金淨值僅供參考,實際以基金公司公告之淨值為準;海外市場指數類型基金,以交易日當天收盤價為淨值參考價。
三、 上述銷售費用僅供參考,實際費率以各銷售機構為主。
四、 上述資料只供參考用途,嘉實資訊自當盡力提供正確訊息,但如有錯漏或疏忽,本公司或關係企業與其任何董事或任何受僱人,恕不負任何法律責任。