UBR | ProShares二倍做多MSCI巴西ETF | MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index | -0.9936 |
BRAZ | Global X巴西主動型ETF | | -0.9874 |
BRZU | Direxion MSCI每日二倍做多巴西ETF | MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index | -0.9832 |
FLBR | Franklin FTSE巴西ETF | FTSE Brazil Capped Index | -0.9679 |
FBZ | First Trust巴西AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Brazil Index. | -0.9275 |
BRF | VanEck巴西小型股ETF | MVIS Brazil Small-Cap Index | -0.9274 |
ILF | iShares拉丁美洲40 ETF | S&P Latin America 40 Index | -0.9115 |
FLLA | Franklin富時拉丁美洲ETF | FTSE Latin America Capped Index | -0.9061 |
EWZS | iShares MSCI巴西小型股ETF | MSCI Brazil Small Cap Index | -0.9048 |
EWZ | iShares MSCI巴西ETF | MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index | -0.8929 |
FLN | First Trust拉丁美洲AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Latin America Index | -0.7700 |
IDVZ | Opal國際股利收入主動型ETF | | -0.7224 |
IBZL@LN | iShares MSCI巴西UCITS ETF (Dist) | MSCI Brazil Index(SM) | -0.6993 |
YGLD | Simplify黃金策略PLUS收益主動型ETF | | -0.6889 |
ABLG | Abacus FCF國際領袖主動型ETF | | -0.6619 |
WCME | First Trust WCM開發中國家股票主動型ETF | | -0.6545 |
EFFI | Harbor Osmosis國際資源效率主動型ETF | | -0.6498 |
IYLD | iShares晨星多重資產收益ETF | Morningstar Multi-Asset High Income Index | -0.6444 |
AINP | Allspring收益Plus主動型ETF | | -0.6273 |
MFSI | MFS國際主動型ETF | | -0.6159 |
ABHY | Abacus戰術非投資等級ETF | FCF Tactical High Yield Index | -0.5887 |
DEXC | Dimensional新興市場(不含中國)核心股票主動型ETF | | -0.5870 |
MEMS | Matthews新興市場發現主動型ETF | | -0.5865 |
BRKU | Direxion每日2倍做多BRKB主動型ETF | | -0.5822 |
ABLD | Abacus FCF實物資產領袖ETF | FCF Yield Enhanced Real Asset Index | -0.5816 |
FTHF | First Trust新興市場人類繁榮ETF | Emerging Markets Human Flourishing Index | -0.5678 |
PCEM | Polen Capital新興市場(中國除外)成長主動型ETF | | -0.5601 |
BUFI | AB國際緩衝主動型ETF | | -0.5445 |
RIOX | Defiance每日2倍做多RIOT主動型ETF | | -0.5383 |
EMDM | First Trust彭博新興市場民主國家ETF | Bloomberg Emerging Market Democracies Index | -0.5344 |
AQWA | Global X淨水ETF | Solactive Global Clean Water Industry Index | -0.5223 |
RNEM | First Trust新興市場股票精選ETF | Nasdaq Riskalyze Emerging Markets Index | -0.5213 |
EELV | Invesco標普新興市場低波動ETF | S&P BMI Emerging Markets Low Volatility Index | -0.5202 |
SCY | Simplify美國小型股PLUS收入主動型ETF | | -0.5089 |
CXRN | Teucrium每日2倍做多玉米主動型ETF | | -0.5033 |
FMQQ | FMQQ特選前沿互聯網ETF | FMQQ The Next Frontier Internet Index | -0.5010 |
CORO | iShares國際國家輪換主動型ETF | | -0.4999 |
MEM | Matthews新興市場股票主動型ETF | | -0.4967 |
NBCM | Neuberger Berman商品策略主動型ETF | | -0.4954 |
CGW | Invesco標普全球水資源指數ETF | S&P Global Water Index | -0.4907 |
XCNY | SPDR標普新興市場(中國除外)ETF | S&P Emerging Ex-China BMI | -0.4903 |
AVEE | Avantis新興市場小型股主動型ETF | | -0.4899 |
AVXC | Avantis新興市場(不含中國)主動型ETF | | -0.4894 |
NBET | Neuberger Berman能源轉型與基礎設施ETF主動型ETF | | -0.4809 |
HAP | VanEck天然資源ETF | Market Vector Global Natural Resources Index | -0.4808 |
SDIV | Global X超級高股利ETF | Solactive Global SuperDividend Index | -0.4808 |
NRES | Xtrackers RREEF全球自然資源主動型ETF | | -0.4806 |
GUNR | FlexShares晨星全球上游自然資源指數ETF | Morningstar Global Upstream Natural Resources Index | -0.4791 |
CORX | 2倍做多玉米主動型ETF | | -0.4746 |
MSSM | Morgan Stanley Pathway中小型股主動型ETF | | -0.4733 |
ABFL | Abacus FCF領袖主動型ETF | | -0.4722 |
OAKM | Oakmark美國大型股主動型ETF | | -0.4715 |
EMM | Global X新興市場(不含中國)主動型ETF | | -0.4711 |
MGNR | American Beacon GLG自然資源主動型ETF | | -0.4707 |
STXE | Strive新興市場(不含中國)ETF | Bloomberg Emerging Markets ex China Large & Mid Cap Index | -0.4673 |
DGS | WisdomTree新興市場高股利小型股ETF | WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend index | -0.4670 |
AADR | AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR主動型ETF | | -0.4605 |
XXCH | Direxion MSCI每日二倍做多新興市場(不含中國)ETF | MSCI Emerging Markets ex China Index | -0.4605 |
PID | Invesco國際高股利ETF | NASDAQ International Dividend Achievers Index | -0.4600 |
BINV | Brandes國際主動型ETF | | -0.4576 |
WIP | SPDR富時國際抗通膨政府債券ETF | FTSE International Inflation-Linked Securities Select Index | -0.4567 |
FEMS | First Trust新興市場小型股AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Emerging Markets Small Cap Index | -0.4553 |
PRVS | Parnassus價值精選主動型ETF | | -0.4551 |
PRCS | Parnassus核心精選主動型ETF | | -0.4536 |
CCNR | ALPS/CoreCommodity自然資源主動型ETF | | -0.4505 |
XCEM | Columbia新興市場核心(不含中國)ETF | Beta Thematic Emerging Markets ex-China Index | -0.4498 |
IDVO | Amplify CWP國際增強股利收益主動型ETF | | -0.4490 |
DMX | DoubleLine多重類別收益主動型ETF | | -0.4489 |
EDOG | ALPS新興市場高股利ETF | S-Network Emerging Sector Dividend Dogs Index | -0.4483 |
ZDEK | Innovator股票定義保護主動型ETF-1年(12月) | | -0.4478 |
GAL | SPDR道富全球資產配置主動型ETF | | -0.4478 |
KDEC | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | -0.4467 |
GNR | SPDR標普全球天然資源指數ETF | S&P Global Natural Resources Index | -0.4459 |
SLX | VanEck鋼鐵ETF | NYSE Arca Steel Index | -0.4449 |
PIO | Invesco全球水資源ETF | NASDAQ OMX Global Water Index | -0.4432 |
JPEM | JPMorgan多元報酬新興市場股票ETF | FTSE Emerging Diversified Factor Index | -0.4431 |
EMC | Global X新興市場大消費者主動型ETF | | -0.4431 |
RLY | SPDR道富多重資產實際報酬主動型ETF | | -0.4425 |
HERD | Pacer金牛組合型ETF | Pacer Cash Cows Fund of Funds Index | -0.4420 |
FTRI | First Trust Indxx全球天然資源ETF | Indxx Global Natural Resources Income Index | -0.4412 |
NDIV | Amplify自然資源股利收益ETF | EQM Natural Resources Dividend Income Index | -0.4410 |
AQLT | iShares MSCI全球質量因子ETF | MSCI ACWI Quality Net Index | -0.4382 |
APLU | Allspring核心Plus主動型ETF | | -0.4382 |
GVAL | Cambria全球價值ETF | Cambria Global Value Index | -0.4369 |
MOO | VanEck農業企業ETF | MVIS Global Agribusiness Index | -0.4364 |
NANR | SPDR S&P北美天然資源ETF | S&P BMI North American Natural Resources Index | -0.4362 |
DEM | WisdomTree新興市場高股利ETF | WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend Index | -0.4362 |
TRTY | Cambria三位一體ETF | Cambria Trinity Index | -0.4336 |
OOTO | Direxion每日二倍做多旅遊及度假ETF | BlueStar Travel and Vacation Index | -0.4328 |
SNOV | FT Vest美國小型股適度緩衝主動型ETF-11月 | | -0.4309 |
ADVE | Matthews亞洲股利主動型ETF | | -0.4302 |
DGT | SPDR道瓊全球龍頭ETF | Global Dow Index | -0.4298 |
PYZ | Invesco Dorsey Wright原物料動能組合ETF | Dorsey Wright Basic Materials Technical Leaders Index | -0.4285 |
ROAM | Hartford多因子新興市場ETF | Hartford Multifactor Emerging Markets Equity Index | -0.4283 |
PWER | Macquarie能源轉型主動型ETF | | -0.4267 |
EAPR | Innovator新興市場動力緩衝主動型ETF-4月 | | -0.4264 |
JSTC | Adasina社會正義全球市場主動型ETF | | -0.4263 |
ICOW | Pacer已開發市場國際金牛100 ETF | Pacer Developed Markets International Cash Cows 100 Index | -0.4262 |
EMLC | VanEck J.P. Morgan新興市場當地貨幣債券ETF | J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Core Index | -0.4250 |
FLGB | Franklin FTSE英國ETF | FTSE UK Capped Index | -0.4228 |