7376 | 南方東英比特幣期貨每日反向(-1x)產品 | 標普比特幣期貨指數 | -0.9645 |
HSBH | 匯豐控股有限公司ADR對沖主動型ETF | | -0.9517 |
GSIG | Goldman Sachs Access 1-5年期投資級公司債券ETF | FTSE Goldman Sachs US Investment-Grade Corporate Bond 1-5 Years Index | -0.9324 |
IBDQ | iShares iBonds 2025年12月期公司債券ETF | Bloomberg December 2025 Maturity Corporate Index | -0.9137 |
ZTRE | F/m 3年期投資級公司債ETF | ICE 3-Year US Target Maturity Corporate Index | -0.9101 |
SCIO | First Trust結構化信貸收益機會主動型ETF | | -0.9061 |
GRW | TCW複合基金主動型ETF | | -0.8813 |
CGSD | Capital Group短期存續期間收益主動型ETF | | -0.8771 |
IRVH | Global X利率波動與通脹避險主動型ETF | | -0.8610 |
AGGH | Simplify綜合債券主動型ETF | | -0.8589 |
SMIG | Bahl & Gaynor中小型收入增長主動型ETF | | -0.8501 |
QQLV | Invesco QQQ低波動ETF | Nasdaq Low Volatility Index | -0.8445 |
USMV | iShares MSCI美國最小波動率因子ETF | MSCI USA Minimum Volatility (USD) Index | -0.8425 |
BEDZ | AdvisorShares飯店主動型ETF | | -0.8369 |
IBDV | iShares iBonds 2030年12月期公司債券ETF | Bloomberg December 2030 Maturity Corporate Index | -0.8312 |
HUSV | First Trust Horizon管理境內波動率主動型ETF | | -0.8229 |
EDGF | 3EDGE動態固定收益主動型ETF | | -0.8164 |
DVOL | First Trust Dorsey Wright動能與低波動ETF | Dorsey Wright Momentum Plus Low Volatility Index | -0.8162 |
NATO | Themes跨大西洋防禦ETF | Solactive Transatlantic Aerospace and Defense Index | -0.8160 |
UAE | iShares MSCI阿拉伯聯合大公國ETF | MSCI All UAE Capped Index | -0.8038 |
UPGD | Invesco彭博分析師評級提升ETF | Bloomberg ANR Improvers Index | -0.7959 |
FSTA | Fidelity MSCI必需消費指數ETF | MSCI USA IMI/CONS STAPLES 25-50 NR USD | -0.7946 |
7522 | 華夏納斯達克100指數每日反向(-2x)產品 | 納斯達克100指數 | -0.7935 |
7568 | 南方東英納斯達克100指數每日反向(-2x)產品 | 納斯達克100指數 | -0.7930 |
FTCS | First Trust資本實力ETF | Capital Strength Index | -0.7924 |
ZTWO | F/m 2年期投資級公司債ETF | ICE 2-Year US Target Maturity Corporate Index | -0.7916 |
USML | ETRACS二倍做多MSCI美國最低波動率因子總回報ETN | MSCI USA Minimum Volatility GR USD Index | -0.7912 |
FLCB | Franklin美國核心債券主動型ETF | | -0.7890 |
00671R | 富邦NASDAQ反1 | NASDAQ-100反向1倍指數 | -0.7840 |
VDC | Vanguard必需性消費類股ETF | MSCI US Investable Market Consumer Staples 25/50 Index | -0.7822 |
EMLP | First Trust北美能源基礎建設主動型ETF | | -0.7767 |
MUD | Direxion每日一倍放空MU主動型ETF | | -0.7721 |
SCDV | Bahl & Gaynor小型股股利主動型ETF | | -0.7682 |
LGLV | SPDR道富美國大型股低波動指數ETF | SSGA US Large Cap Low Volatility Index | -0.7680 |
GCAD | Gabelli商業航太與國防主動型ETF | | -0.7640 |
XRLV | Invesco標普五百低波動利率敏感除外ETF | S&P 500 Low Volatility Rate Response Index | -0.7566 |
BZQ | ProShares二倍放空MSCI巴西ETF | MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index | -0.7554 |
SMBS | Schwab抵押貸款證券ETF | Bloomberg US MBS Float Adjusted Total Return Index | -0.7538 |
EYEG | AB公司債券主動型ETF | | -0.7512 |
GLDI | ETRACS黃金掩護性買權ETN | Credit Suisse NASDAQ Gold FLOWS 103 Index | -0.7504 |
RSBA | Return Stacked債券及併購套利主動型ETF | | -0.7459 |
FOWF | Pacer Solactive Whitney戰爭未來ETF | Solactive Whitney Future of Warfare Index | -0.7445 |
SHLD | Global X國防科技ETF | Global X Defense Tech Index | -0.7435 |
VFMV | Vanguard美國最低波動率主動型ETF | | -0.7427 |
IBTL | iShares iBonds 2031年12月期公債ETF | ICE 2031 Maturity US Treasury Index | -0.7415 |
ITA | iShares美國航太與國防ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Select Aerospace & Defense Index | -0.7401 |
DMBS | Doubleline抵押貸款主動型ETF | | -0.7372 |
NVOX | Defiance每日2倍做多NVO主動型ETF | | -0.7368 |
DFEN | Direxion每日三倍做多航太與國防ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Select Aerospace & Defense Index | -0.7345 |
PIFI | Clearshares Piton中期固定收益主動型ETF | | -0.7316 |
FSCS | First Trust中小型資本實力ETF | SMID Capital Strength Index | -0.7270 |
SIXL | ETC 6 Meridian低貝塔股票主動型ETF | | -0.7262 |
SPLV | Invesco標普500低波動ETF | S&P 500 Low Volatility Index | -0.7250 |
DIVO | Amplify CWP增強股利收益主動型ETF | | -0.7240 |
PBE | Invesco生技與基因體ETF | Dynamic Biotech & Genome Intellidex Index | -0.7203 |
USIN | WisdomTree 7-10年期階梯式公債ETF | Bloomberg US Treasury 7-10 Year Laddered Index | -0.7183 |
QAT | iShares MSCI卡達ETF | MSCI All Qatar Capped Index | -0.7180 |
FLGV | Franklin美國公債主動型ETF | | -0.7168 |
DFIP | Dimensional通脹保值證券主動型ETF | | -0.7167 |
SELV | SEI增強型低波動性美國大型股主動型ETF | | -0.7157 |
ESMV | iShares ESG MSCI美國最小波動率ETF | MSCI USA Minimum Volatility Extended ESG Reduced Carbon Target Index | -0.7147 |
00715L | 期街口布蘭特正2 | 標普高盛布蘭特原油日報酬正向兩倍ER指數 | -0.7095 |
VMBS | Vanguard抵押貸款證券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. MBS Float Adjusted Index | -0.7090 |
GVI | iShares中期政府/信用債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index | -0.7080 |
DEED | First Trust TCW證券化加成主動型ETF | | -0.7063 |
PPA | Invesco航太與國防ETF | SPADE Defense Index | -0.7061 |
PSL | Invesco Dorsey Wright必需性消費動能組合ETF | Dorsey Wright Consumer Staples Technical Leaders Index | -0.7058 |
ISTB | iShares核心一至五年美元債券ETF | BBG US Universal 1-5 Year Index (USD) | -0.7038 |
WABF | Western資產債券主動型ETF | | -0.7036 |
VNAM | Global X MSCI越南ETF | MSCI Vietnam Select 25/50 Index | -0.7018 |
BAMB | Brookstone中期債券主動型ETF | | -0.7008 |
SUSC | iShares ESG感知美元公司債券ETF | Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate ESG Focus Index | -0.6997 |
FSIG | First Trust有限期投資級公司主動型ETF | | -0.6995 |
FCOR | Fidelity公司債券主動型ETF | | -0.6973 |
IBTK | iShares iBonds 2030年12月期公債ETF | ICE 2030 Maturity US Treasury Index (USD) | -0.6965 |
ASEA | Global X富時東南亞ETF | FTSE/ASEAN 40 Index | -0.6964 |
00739 | 元大MSCI A股 | MSCI中國A股國際通指數 | -0.6949 |
3097 | Global X標普原油期貨增強型ER ETF | 標普高盛原油增強額外回報指數 | -0.6935 |
TMDV | ProShares羅素美國股利成長ETF | Russell 3000 Dividend Elite Index | -0.6934 |
USIG | iShares美國整體投資級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA US Corporate Index | -0.6929 |
BSCT | Invesco BulletShares 2029公司債券ETF | Nasdaq BulletShares USD Corporate Bond 2029 Index | -0.6926 |
KDRN | Kingsbarn戰術債券主動型ETF | | -0.6903 |
SPBO | SPDR投資組合公司債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Bond Index | -0.6893 |
LVOL | American Century低波動主動型ETF | | -0.6872 |
XMLV | Invesco標普中型股低波動ETF | S&P MidCap 400 Low Volatility Index | -0.6871 |
SPIB | SPDR投資組合美國中期公司債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Intermediate Corporate Bond Index | -0.6870 |
EWV | ProShares二倍放空MSCI日本ETF | MSCI Japan Index | -0.6869 |
WTBN | WisdomTree Bianco總回報ETF | Bianco Research Fixed Income Total Return Index | -0.6861 |
MBB | iShares抵押貸款證券化債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. MBS Index | -0.6857 |
UGE | ProShares二倍做多必需性消費類股ETF | S&P Consumer Staples Select Sector Index | -0.6857 |
VABS | Virtus Newfleet ABS/MBS主動型ETF | | -0.6833 |
IBIG | iShares iBonds 2030年10月期抗通膨債券ETF | ICE 2030 Maturity US Inflation-Linked Treasury Index | -0.6829 |
AGZD | WisdomTree利率避險美國綜合債券ETF | Bloomberg Rate Hedged U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, Zero Duration | -0.6799 |
WBIF | WBI BullBear價值3000主動型ETF | | -0.6795 |
VCLT | Vanguard長期公司債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. 10+ Year Corporate Bond Index | -0.6770 |
VUSB | Vanguard超短期債券主動型ETF | | -0.6767 |
XLP | SPDR必需性消費類股ETF | Consumer Staples Select Sector Index | -0.6762 |
ITB | iShares美國房屋建築業ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Select Home Construction Index | -0.6761 |
7332 | 富邦富時台灣RIC權重上限指數每日反向(-1x)產品 | 富時台灣RIC上限指數 | -0.6750 |
TDTF | FlexShares iBoxx五年目標期限抗通膨債券指數ETF | iBoxx 5-Year Target Duration TIPS Index | -0.6731 |