TAX | Cambria稅控主動型ETF | | 0.9530 |
TRFM | AAM變形金剛 ETF | Pence Transformers Index | 0.9446 |
ABOT | Abacus FCF創新領袖ETF | FCF US Quality Innovation Index | 0.9431 |
GFLW | VictoryShares自由現金流成長ETF | Victory Free Cash Flow Growth Index | 0.9419 |
MSLC | Morgan Stanley Pathway大型股主動型ETF | | 0.9399 |
DALI | First Trust Dorsey Wright DALI 1 ETF | Nasdaq DorseyWright DALI 1 Index | 0.9382 |
SECT | Main行業輪換主動型ETF | | 0.9362 |
HQGO | Hartford美國優質成長ETF | Hartford US Quality Growth Index | 0.9354 |
KLMN | Invesco MSCI北美氣候ETF | MSCI Global Climate 500 North America Selection Index | 0.9346 |
EUSM | Eventide美國市場主動型ETF | | 0.9343 |
PRCS | Parnassus核心精選主動型ETF | | 0.9336 |
JMOM | JPMorgan美國動能因子ETF | JP Morgan US Momentum Factor Index | 0.9330 |
RPG | Invesco標普500指數純成長型ETF | S&P 500 Pure Growth Index | 0.9328 |
RSPT | Invesco標普500平均加權科技類股ETF | S&P 500 Equal Weight Information Technology Index | 0.9324 |
JTEK | JPMorgan美國科技領袖主動型ETF | | 0.9320 |
IWP | iShares羅素中型成長股ETF | Russell Midcap Growth index | 0.9315 |
THNQ | ROBO Global人工智慧指數ETF | ROBO Global Artificial Intelligence Index | 0.9314 |
LRGF | iShares美國股票因子ETF | STOXX US Equity Factor Index (USD) | 0.9294 |
WTAI | WisdomTree人工智慧與創新ETF | WisdomTree Artificial Intelligence & Innovation Index | 0.9271 |
HIBL | Direxion每日三倍做多標普五百高Beta ETF | S&P 500 High Beta Index | 0.9269 |
MVPS | Amplify全明星主題ETF | ETF All-Stars Thematic Composite Index | 0.9249 |
ABFL | Abacus FCF領袖主動型ETF | | 0.9248 |
XNAV | FundX激進主動型ETF | | 0.9245 |
QGRO | American Century美國優質成長ETF | American Century U.S. Quality Growth Index | 0.9244 |
XAIX | Xtrackers人工智慧和大數據ETF | Nasdaq Global Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Index | 0.9238 |
FLCC | Federated Hermes MDT大型核心主動型ETF | | 0.9236 |
PFUT | Putnam永續未來主動型ETF | | 0.9234 |
SPHB | Invesco標普500高BetaETF | S&P 500 High Beta Index | 0.9233 |
XITK | SPDR FactSet創新科技ETF | FactSet Innovative Technology Index | 0.9225 |
LSVD | LSV紀律價值主動型ETF | | 0.9223 |
LCLG | Logan Capital廣泛創新主動型ETF | | 0.9217 |
VOT | Vanguard中型成長股ETF | CRSP US Mid Cap Growth Index | 0.9208 |
QQQE | Direxion納斯達克100平均加權指數ETF | NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index | 0.9207 |
SKYY | First Trust雲端運算ETF | ISE CTA Cloud Computing Index | 0.9205 |
XOVR | ERShares公私交叉主動型ETF | | 0.9200 |
FV | First Trust Dorsey Wright五大焦點類股ETF | Dorsey Wright Focus Five Index | 0.9192 |
FDMO | Fidelity動能因子ETF | Fidelity US Momentum Factor TR USD | 0.9186 |
FDIF | Fidelity顛覆者主動型ETF | | 0.9176 |
BUFM | AB適度緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.9174 |
DVSP | WEBs定義波動SPY ETF | Syntax Defined Volatility US Large Cap 500 Index | 0.9171 |
OPTZ | Optimize策略指數ETF | Optimize Strategy Index | 0.9169 |
TECB | iShares美國科技突破多部門ETF | NYSE FactSet U.S. Tech Breakthrough Index | 0.9161 |
HLGE | Hartford長壽經濟ETF | Hartford Longevity Economy Index | 0.9160 |
QQEW | First Trust納斯達克100平均加權指數ETF | NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index | 0.9157 |
THRO | iShares美國主題輪換主動型ETF | | 0.9157 |
GLBL | Pacer MSCI世界產業優勢ETF | MSCI World Ricardo Comparative Advantage Select GDP Tilted Index | 0.9156 |
LCTU | BlackRock美國碳轉型準備主動型ETF | | 0.9156 |
QOWZ | Invesco納斯達克自由現金流成就ETF | Nasdaq US Free Cash Flow Achievers Index | 0.9138 |
DUKQ | Ocean Park國內主動型ETF | | 0.9132 |
TRFK | Pacer數據與數位革命ETF | Pacer Data Transmission and Communication Revolution Index | 0.9129 |
ITOT | iShares核心標普美股總體市場指數ETF | S&P Total Market Index (TMI) | 0.9126 |
IYY | iShares道瓊美國ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Index | 0.9125 |
SQMX | FT Vest美國股票季度最大緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.9113 |
DWAW | AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright FSM全世界市場股票主動型ETF | | 0.9109 |
JCTR | JPMorgan碳轉型美國股票ETF | JPMAM Carbon Transition US Equity Index | 0.9107 |
HDUS | Hartford Disciplined美國股票ETF | Hartford Disciplined US Equity Index | 0.9107 |
JQUA | JPMorgan美國優質因子ETF | JP Morgan US Quality Factor Index | 0.9105 |
OALC | OneAscent大型核心股主動型ETF | | 0.9103 |
IWV | iShares羅素3000 ETF | Russell 3000 Index | 0.9102 |
VTI | Vanguard整體股市ETF | CRSP US Total Market Index | 0.9101 |
ILCB | iShares晨星美國股票ETF | Morningstar US Large-Mid Cap Index | 0.9095 |
IWB | iShares羅素1000 ETF | Russell 1000 Index | 0.9094 |
ARTY | iShares未來人工智慧與科技ETF | Morningstar Global Artificial Intelligence Select Index | 0.9092 |
DFUS | Dimensional美國股票市場主動型ETF | | 0.9092 |
SKYU | ProShares二倍做多納斯達克雲端運算ETF | ISE CTA Cloud Computing Index | 0.9090 |
DFAU | Dimensional美國核心股票市場主動型ETF | | 0.9090 |
AVLC | Avantis美國大型股主動型ETF | | 0.9088 |
SSUS | Day Hagan/Ned Davis研究智能類股主動型ETF | | 0.9081 |
ESGV | Vanguard ESG美股ETF | FTSE US All Cap Choice Index | 0.9079 |
PBUS | Invesco MSCI美國ETF | MSCI USA Index | 0.9078 |
AIBU | Direxion每日二倍做多人工智慧與大數據ETF | Solactive US AI & Big Data Index | 0.9078 |
JOET | Virtus Terranova美國優質動量ETF | Terranova U.S. Quality Momentum Index | 0.9077 |
PSET | Principal優質主動型ETF | | 0.9075 |
GSLC | Goldman Sachs積極貝塔美國大型股ETF | Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta U.S. Large Cap Equity Index | 0.9075 |
QNXT | iShares納斯達克100不含前30名ETF | Nasdaq-100 ex Top 30 Index | 0.9072 |
VOTE | TCW轉型500 ETF | Morningstar US Large Cap Select Index | 0.9069 |
DECM | FT Vest美國股票最大緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.9068 |
BKLC | BNY Mellon美國大型核心股ETF | Morningstar U.S. Large Cap Index | 0.9066 |
IMCG | iShares晨星中型成長股ETF | Morningstar US Mid Cap Broad Growth Index (USD) | 0.9065 |
SUSA | iShares MSCI美國ESG精選ETF | MSCI USA Extended ESG Select Index | 0.9065 |
VEGN | 美國素食氣候ETF | Beyond Investing US Vegan Climate Index | 0.9059 |
XSW | SPDR軟體服務業ETF | S&P Software & Services Select Industry Index | 0.9059 |
AGIX | KraneShares人工智慧與科技主動型ETF | Solactive Etna Artificial General Intelligence Index | 0.9054 |
FLQL | Franklin美國大型多因子指數ETF | LibertyQ U.S. Large Cap Equity Index | 0.9054 |
VTHR | Vanguard羅素3000指數ETF | Russell 3000 Index | 0.9052 |
AESR | Anfield美股行業輪換主動型ETF | | 0.9050 |
WFH | Direxion在家工作ETF | Solactive Remote Work Index | 0.9049 |
FWD | AB顛覆者主動型ETF | | 0.9048 |
AIPI | REX人工智慧股票溢價收益主動型ETF | | 0.9047 |
CPNQ | Calamos納斯達克100結構性另類保護主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.9042 |
ESGU | iShares ESG感知MSCI美國ETF | MSCI USA Extended ESG Focus Index | 0.9041 |
FFND | The Future Fund主動型ETF | | 0.9041 |
ROBT | First Trust納斯達克人工智慧與機器人ETF | Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Index | 0.9041 |
NBGX | Neuberger Berman成長主動型ETF | | 0.9039 |
USXF | iShares ESG高級MSCI美國ETF | MSCI USA Choice ESG Screened Index (USD) | 0.9033 |
GUSA | Goldman Sachs MarketBeta美國1000股票ETF | Solactive GBS United States 1000 Index | 0.9033 |
FCLD | Fidelity雲端運算ETF | Fidelity Cloud Computing NR USD | 0.9032 |
LGRO | Level Four大型成長型主動型ETF | | 0.9032 |
BBUS | JPMorgan BetaBuilders美國股票ETF | Morningstar US Target Market Exposure Index | 0.9029 |
AOTG | AOT成長與創新主動型ETF | | 0.9028 |