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XHYCBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券消費週期類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Consumer Cyclical Index0.9459
XHYFBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券金融和房地產投資信託類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Financial & REIT Index0.9381
XHYIBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券工業類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Core Industrials Index0.9254
HYGVFlexShares非投資等級債券指數ETFNorthern Trust High Yield Value-Scored US Corporate Bond Index0.9252
XBBondBloxx B級美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE BofA Single-B US Cash Pay High Yield Constrained Index0.9101
XHYDBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券消費類非週期類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Consumer Non-Cyclical Index0.8934
XBBBondBloxx BB級美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE BofA BB US Cash Pay High Yield Constrained Index0.8893
XHYTBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券電信、媒體和科技類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Telecom, Media & Technology Index0.8856
ANGLVanEck墜落天使非投資等級債券ETFICE US Fallen Angel High Yield 10% Constrained Index0.8790
XHYEBondBloxx美元非投資等級債券能源類ETFICE Diversified US Cash Pay High Yield Energy Index0.8707
XCCCBondBloxx CCC級美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE CCC US Cash Pay High Yield Constrained Index0.8527
BSJUInvesco BulletShares 2030非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2030 Index0.8150
UJBProShares二倍做多非投資等級ETFMarkit iBoxx $ Liquid High Yield Index0.8133
USHYiShares美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index0.8117
NBFCNeuberger Berman靈活信貸收益主動型ETF 0.8097
HYLBXtrackers美元非投資等級公司債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Index0.8029
JNKSPDR彭博非投資等級債ETFBloomberg High Yield Very Liquid Index0.8023
IBHJiShares iBonds 2030年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2030 Term High Yield and Income Index0.8023
SHYGiShares 0-5年非投資等級公司債券ETFMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Index0.8007
SPHYSPDR投資組合非投資等級債券ETFICE BofA US High Yield Index0.7969
HYDBiShares非投資等級系統性債券ETFBlackRock High Yield Systematic Bond Index0.7951
BBHYJPMorgan BetaBuilders美元非投資等級公司債券ETFICE BofA U.S. High Yield Total Return Index0.7910
EVHYEaton Vance非投資等級主動型ETF 0.7852
IBHIiShares iBonds 2029年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2029 Term High Yield and Income Index (USD)0.7850
QHYWisdomTree美國非投資等級公司債券ETFWisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Index0.7822
HYFIAB非投資等級主動型ETF 0.7801
BSJWInvesco BulletShares 2032非投資等級公司債券ETFBulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2032 Index0.7799
HYUPXtrackers高Beta非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market High Beta Index0.7783
SJNKSPDR彭博短期非投資等級債券ETFBloomberg US High Yield 350mn Cash Pay 0-5 Yr 2% Capped Index0.7770
AHYBAmerican Century精選非投資等級主動型ETF 0.7755
XEMDBondBloxx摩根大通美元新興市場1-10年期債券ETFJ.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified Liquid 1-10 Year Maturity Index0.7734
BSJRInvesco BulletShares 2027非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2027 Index0.7698
HYGiShares iBoxx非投資等級公司債券ETFMarkit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index0.7692
BKHYBNY Mellon非投資等級ETFBloomberg US Corporate High Yield Total Return Index0.7682
PHBInvesco基本面非投資等級公司債券ETFRAFI Bonds US High Yield 1-10 Index0.7662
HYBBiShares BB級公司債券ETFICE BofA BB US High Yield Constrained Index (USD)0.7630
IBHKiShares iBonds 2031年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2031 Term High Yield and Income Index0.7621
GHYBGoldman Sachs Access非投資等級公司債券ETFFTSE Goldman Sachs High Yield Corporate Bond Index0.7617
PHYLPGIM非投資等級債券主動型ETF 0.7571
BSJQInvesco BulletShares 2026非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2026 Index0.7518
BSJVInvesco BulletShares 2031非投資等級公司債券ETFNasdaq BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2031 Index0.7476
HYSABondBloxx美元非投資等級債券行業輪換主動型ETF 0.7458
SIFIHarbor Scientific Alpha收益主動型ETF 0.7442
SHYLXtrackers短期存續期間非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market 0-5 Year Index0.7436
SIHYHarbor Scientific Alpha非投資等級主動型ETF 0.7427
BHYBXtrackers美元非投資等級BB-B金融股除外ETFICE BofA BB-B Non-FNCL Non-Distressed US HY Constrained Index0.7414
JHHYJohn Hancock非投資等級主動型ETF 0.7357
HYGIiShares通膨避險非投資等級債券ETFBlackRock Inflation Hedged High Yield Bond Index0.7343
IBHGiShares iBonds 2027年期非投資等級與收入ETFBloomberg 2027 Term High Yield and Income Index0.7286
HYDWXtrackers低Beta非投資等級債券ETFSolactive USD High Yield Corporates Total Market Low Beta Index0.7264
HYXFiShares ESG高級非投資等級公司債券ETFBloomberg MSCI US High Yield Choice ESG Screened Index0.7220
GHYGiShares美國與國際非投資等級公司債券ETFMarkit iBoxx Global Developed Markets High Yield Index0.7217
IHYVanEck國際非投資等級債ETFICE BofA Global ex-US Issuers High Yield Constrained Index0.7184
XFLXFundX彈性主動型ETF 0.7121
FALNiShares墮落天使美元債券ETFBloomberg US High Yield Fallen Angel 3% Capped Index0.7047
NUHYNuveen ESG非投資等級公司債券ETFBloomberg MSCI U.S. High Yield Very Liquid ESG Select Index0.7044
RAVIFlexShares超短收益主動型ETF 0.7029
VSHYVirtus Newfleet短期存續期間非投資等級債券主動型ETF 0.7018
ADPV自適應精選主動型ETF 0.6939
HYSPIMCO 0-5年非投資等級公司債券指數ETFICE BofA 0-5 Year US High Yield Constrained Index0.6907
SMAYFT Vest美國小型股適度緩衝主動型ETF-5月 0.6903
LCRLeuthold核心主動型ETF 0.6859
SEISSEI精選小型股主動型ETF 0.6839
THYToews Agility Shares動態戰術收益主動型ETF 0.6836
SFEBFT Vest美國小型股適度緩衝主動型ETF-2月 0.6825
ETHOAmplify Etho美國氣候領導ETFEtho Climate Leadership Index – US0.6824
FSYDFidelity永續非投資等級主動型ETF 0.6821
EFRAiShares環境基礎設施和工業ETFFTSE Green Revenues Select Infrastructure and Industrials Index0.6817
PAWZProShares寵物照護ETFFactSet Pet Care Index0.6816
FSCCFederated Hermes MDT小型核心主動型ETF 0.6809
EAOMiShares ESG感知適度配置ETFBlackRock ESG Aware Moderate Allocation Index0.6804
ITDBiShares LifePath目標日期2030主動型ETF 0.6804
XHLFBondBloxx彭博六個月期美國國債ETFBloomberg US Treasury Six Month Duration Index0.6795
ITDAiShares LifePath目標日期2025主動型ETF 0.6785
AOMiShares核心適度配置ETFS&P Target Risk Moderate Index0.6753
RSJNFT Vest美國股票等權重緩衝主動型ETF-6月 0.6732
KAPRInnovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-4月 0.6727
SMIZZacks小型/中型股主動型ETF 0.6726
AVMAAvantis適度配置主動型ETF 0.6709
PSHPGIM短期非投資等級主動型ETF 0.6708
DCAPUnity Wealth Partners動態資本增值與期權主動型ETF 0.6705
FNYFirst Trust中型成長股AlphaDEX指數ETFNASDAQ AlphaDEX Mid Cap Growth Index0.6701
EBITHarbor AlphaEdge小型股收益ETFHarbor AlphaEdge Small Cap Earners Index0.6699
FLHYFranklin非投資等級公司債券主動型ETF 0.6697
TSMEThrivent中小型ESG主動型ETF 0.6696
NBSMNeuberger Berman中小型股主動型ETF 0.6690
BBBSBondBloxx BBB評級1-5年期公司債券ETFBloomberg US Corporate BBB 1-5 Year Index0.6688
BBMCJPMorgan BetaBuilders美國中型股ETFMorningstar US Mid Cap Target Market Exposure Extended Index0.6683
TMSLT. Rowe Price中小型股主動型ETF 0.6672
GBLDInvesco MSCI綠色建築ETFMSCI Global Green Building Index0.6670
CVMCCalvert美國中型股核心責任指數ETFCalvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index0.6669
BKMCBNY Mellon美國中型核心股ETFMorningstar U.S. Mid Cap Index0.6669
BKSEBNY Mellon美國小型核心股ETFMorningstar U.S. Small Cap Index0.6666
XJHiShares ESG篩選標普中型股ETFS&P MidCap 400 Sustainability Screened Index0.6665
FLDZRiverNorth愛國者主動型ETF 0.6662
SMMDiShares羅素2500 ETFRussell 2500 Index0.6660
FNXFirst Trust中型核心股AlphaDEX指數ETFNASDAQ AlphaDEX Mid Cap Core Index0.6656
KJUNInnovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-6月 0.6654


一、 績效計算為原幣別報酬,且皆有考慮配息情況。基金配息率不代表基金報酬率,且過去配息率不代表未來配息率。所有基金績效,均為過去績效,不代表未來之績效表現,亦不保證基金之最低投資收益。
二、 基金淨值可能因市場因素而上下波動,基金淨值僅供參考,實際以基金公司公告之淨值為準;海外市場指數類型基金,以交易日當天收盤價為淨值參考價。
三、 上述銷售費用僅供參考,實際費率以各銷售機構為主。
四、 上述資料只供參考用途,嘉實資訊自當盡力提供正確訊息,但如有錯漏或疏忽,本公司或關係企業與其任何董事或任何受僱人,恕不負任何法律責任。