1542 | 日本實體白銀 ETF | 100克白銀現值 | 0.7569 |
BRKU | Direxion每日2倍做多BRKB主動型ETF | | 0.7000 |
1540 | 日本實體黃金 ETF | 1克金條現值 | 0.6429 |
ABLD | Abacus FCF實物資產領袖ETF | FCF Yield Enhanced Real Asset Index | 0.5858 |
CXRN | Teucrium每日2倍做多玉米主動型ETF | | 0.5800 |
CORO | iShares國際國家輪換主動型ETF | | 0.5772 |
OAKM | Oakmark美國大型股主動型ETF | | 0.5647 |
QQLV | Invesco QQQ低波動ETF | Nasdaq Low Volatility Index | 0.5428 |
BSJQ | Invesco BulletShares 2026非投資等級公司債券ETF | Nasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2026 Index | 0.5197 |
MFSV | MFS價值主動型ETF | | 0.5147 |
ABLG | Abacus FCF國際領袖主動型ETF | | 0.5112 |
YGLD | Simplify黃金策略PLUS收益主動型ETF | | 0.5057 |
SCDV | Bahl & Gaynor小型股股利主動型ETF | | 0.5032 |
IBHF | iShares iBonds 2026年期非投資等級與收入ETF | "Bloomberg 2026 Term High Yield and Income Index " | 0.4913 |
BUFI | AB國際緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.4875 |
CORX | 2倍做多玉米主動型ETF | | 0.4806 |
IBHJ | iShares iBonds 2030年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2030 Term High Yield and Income Index | 0.4743 |
BGDV | Bahl & Gaynor股利主動型ETF | | 0.4735 |
SCY | Simplify美國小型股PLUS收入主動型ETF | | 0.4708 |
IBHI | iShares iBonds 2029年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2029 Term High Yield and Income Index (USD) | 0.4686 |
HYGI | iShares通膨避險非投資等級債券ETF | BlackRock Inflation Hedged High Yield Bond Index | 0.4682 |
NUHY | Nuveen ESG非投資等級公司債券ETF | Bloomberg MSCI U.S. High Yield Very Liquid ESG Select Index | 0.4599 |
PID | Invesco國際高股利ETF | NASDAQ International Dividend Achievers Index | 0.4579 |
BSJU | Invesco BulletShares 2030非投資等級公司債券ETF | Nasdaq BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2030 Index | 0.4579 |
USHY | iShares美元非投資等級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 0.4550 |
USAF | Atlas美國主動型ETF | | 0.4525 |
CPSD | Calamos標普500結構性另類保護主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.4523 |
JNK | SPDR彭博非投資等級債ETF | Bloomberg High Yield Very Liquid Index | 0.4510 |
BBHY | JPMorgan BetaBuilders美元非投資等級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA U.S. High Yield Total Return Index | 0.4498 |
PHB | Invesco基本面非投資等級公司債券ETF | RAFI Bonds US High Yield 1-10 Index | 0.4456 |
IBHK | iShares iBonds 2031年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2031 Term High Yield and Income Index | 0.4454 |
IBHG | iShares iBonds 2027年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2027 Term High Yield and Income Index | 0.4444 |
HIDE | Alpha Architect高通脹通縮主動型ETF | | 0.4435 |
KDEC | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.4435 |
ABFL | Abacus FCF領袖主動型ETF | | 0.4428 |
AHYB | American Century精選非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4422 |
SYFI | AB短期非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4422 |
LDRH | iShares iBonds 1-5年期非投資等級與營收階梯ETF | BlackRock iBonds 1-5 Year High Yield and Income Ladder Index | 0.4408 |
KHYB | KraneShares亞太非投資等級美元債券主動型ETF | | 0.4398 |
JHHY | John Hancock非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4386 |
MDIV | First Trust多重資產收益指數ETF | Nasdaq US Multi-Asset Diversified Income Index | 0.4366 |
MSSM | Morgan Stanley Pathway中小型股主動型ETF | | 0.4296 |
FSGS | First Trust中小型成長強度ETF | The SMID Growth Strength Index | 0.4292 |
HYG | iShares iBoxx非投資等級公司債券ETF | Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index | 0.4292 |
FLHY | Franklin非投資等級公司債券主動型ETF | | 0.4286 |
ABEQ | Absolute精選價值主動型ETF | | 0.4280 |
QHY | WisdomTree美國非投資等級公司債券ETF | WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Index | 0.4276 |
SPHY | SPDR投資組合非投資等級債券ETF | ICE BofA US High Yield Index | 0.4243 |
ESN | Essential 40 股票ETF | Essential 40 Stock Index | 0.4243 |
TBFC | Brinsmere 基金 - 保守型ETF | | 0.4239 |
ASET | FlexShares實物資產配置ETF | Northern Trust Real Assets Allocation Index | 0.4231 |
KEAT | Keating主動型ETF | | 0.4217 |
SDY | SPDR標普高股利ETF | S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats index | 0.4208 |
RLY | SPDR道富多重資產實際報酬主動型ETF | | 0.4193 |
THY | Toews Agility Shares動態戰術收益主動型ETF | | 0.4190 |
WEEL | Peerless期權收益輪主動型ETF | | 0.4189 |
UJB | ProShares二倍做多非投資等級ETF | Markit iBoxx $ Liquid High Yield Index | 0.4187 |
SHYG | iShares 0-5年非投資等級公司債券ETF | Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Index | 0.4174 |
HYDB | iShares非投資等級系統性債券ETF | BlackRock High Yield Systematic Bond Index | 0.4157 |
SJNK | SPDR彭博短期非投資等級債券ETF | Bloomberg US High Yield 350mn Cash Pay 0-5 Yr 2% Capped Index | 0.4147 |
BSJP | Invesco BulletShares 2025非投資等級公司債券ETF | Nasdaq Bulletshares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2025 Index | 0.4138 |
EMCC | Global X MSCI新興市場掩護性買權ETF | Cboe MSCI Emerging Markets IMI BuyWrite Index | 0.4138 |
PCEF | Invesco CEF非投資等級綜合指數ETF | S-Network Composite Closed-End Fund Index | 0.4125 |
KNG | FT Vest標普500股利貴族目標收益ETF | Cboe S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Target Income Index Monthly Series | 0.4101 |
HYLS | First Trust戰術非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4093 |
HYFI | AB非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.4089 |
DESK | VanEck辦公室和商業REIT ETF | MarketVector US Listed Office and Commercial REITs Index | 0.4087 |
NIKL | Sprott鎳礦ETF | Nasdaq Sprott Nickel Miners Index | 0.4067 |
FIBR | iShares美國固定收益平衡風險系統ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Fixed Income Balanced Risk Index | 0.4052 |
BLDG | Cambria全球房地產主動型ETF | | 0.4039 |
EFFI | Harbor Osmosis國際資源效率主動型ETF | | 0.4038 |
ASEA | Global X富時東南亞ETF | FTSE/ASEAN 40 Index | 0.4026 |
GHYG | iShares美國與國際非投資等級公司債券ETF | Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets High Yield Index | 0.4020 |
NDOW | Anydrus優勢主動型ETF | | 0.4016 |
FTXH | First Trust納斯達克製藥業ETF | Nasdaq U.S. Smart Pharmaceuticals Index | 0.4011 |
MDLV | Morgan Dempsey大型股價值主動型ETF | | 0.4010 |
KMID | Virtus KAR中型股主動型ETF | | 0.4007 |
FALN | iShares墮落天使美元債券ETF | Bloomberg US High Yield Fallen Angel 3% Capped Index | 0.4006 |
NOBL | ProShares標普五百股利貴族ETF | S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index | 0.3991 |
SDIV | Global X超級高股利ETF | Solactive Global SuperDividend Index | 0.3986 |
GHYB | Goldman Sachs Access非投資等級公司債券ETF | FTSE Goldman Sachs High Yield Corporate Bond Index | 0.3979 |
PHYL | PGIM非投資等級債券主動型ETF | | 0.3978 |
DWX | SPDR標普國際高股利ETF | S&P International Dividend Opportunities index | 0.3973 |
BINC | iShares彈性收益主動型ETF | | 0.3973 |
DMX | DoubleLine多重類別收益主動型ETF | | 0.3963 |
PHYD | Putnam ESG非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.3963 |
FVD | First Trust價值線高股利指數ETF | Value Line Dividend Index | 0.3945 |
ABOT | Abacus FCF創新領袖ETF | FCF US Quality Innovation Index | 0.3943 |
RGEF | Rockefeller全球股票主動型ETF | | 0.3927 |
HYBB | iShares BB級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA BB US High Yield Constrained Index (USD) | 0.3921 |
RAAX | VanEck實體資產主動型ETF | | 0.3919 |
YYY | Amplify非投資等級ETF | ISE High Income Index | 0.3918 |
DECU | AllianzIM美國股票Buffer15 12月無上限主動型ETF | | 0.3917 |
FIRS | FIRE Funds財富締造者主動型ETF | | 0.3915 |
RIET | Hoya Capital高股息收益ETF | Hoya Capital High Dividend Yield Index | 0.3913 |
DEW | WisdomTree全球高股利ETF | WisdomTree Global High Dividend Index | 0.3912 |
FBT | First Trust紐約證交所生物科技指數ETF | NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index | 0.3907 |
AADR | AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright ADR主動型ETF | | 0.3907 |
TRTY | Cambria三位一體ETF | Cambria Trinity Index | 0.3907 |
EVHY | Eaton Vance非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.3904 |