KOLD | Proshares二倍放空彭博天然氣ETF | Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex | -0.9585 |
MARO | YieldMax MARA選擇權收益策略主動型ETF | | -0.6404 |
BGDV | Bahl & Gaynor股利主動型ETF | | -0.4725 |
FMF | First Trust管理期貨策略主動型ETF | | -0.4144 |
EMPB | Efficient市場投資組合Plus主動型ETF | | -0.3665 |
KMLM | KraneShares Mount Lucas管理期貨指數策略ETF | KFA MLM Index | -0.3367 |
EWK | iShares MSCI比利時ETF | MSCI Belgium IMI 25/50 Index | -0.3314 |
OEUR | ALPS OShares歐洲優質股利ETF | O'Shares Europe Quality Dividend Index | -0.3302 |
3453 | Premia富時TWSE台灣50 ETF(上市分派單位) | 富時 TWSE 台灣 50 權重上限 30%美元指數(淨總回報) | -0.3297 |
EWP | iShares MSCI西班牙ETF | MSCI Spain 25/50 Index | -0.3240 |
FAAR | First Trust替代絕對報酬策略主動型ETF | | -0.3191 |
9159 | Premia富時TWSE台灣50 ETF(上市累計單位) | 富時 TWSE 台灣 50 權重上限 30%美元指數(淨總回報) | -0.3143 |
EFNL | iShares MSCI芬蘭ETF | MSCI Finland IMI 25/50 Index | -0.3126 |
EDEN | iShares MSCI丹麥ETF | MSCI Denmark IMI 25/50 Index | -0.3075 |
IBUF | Innovator國際已開發10緩衝主動型ETF-季度 | | -0.3041 |
BRKD | Direxion每日一倍放空BRKB主動型ETF | | -0.2994 |
EWI | iShares MSCI義大利ETF | MSCI Italy 25/50 Index | -0.2974 |
EUDG | WisdomTree歐洲股息成長ETF | WisdomTree Europe Quality Dividend Growth Index | -0.2923 |
DBEU | Xtrackers MSCI歐洲避險股票型ETF | MSCI Europe US Dollar Hedged Index | -0.2894 |
HFXI | NYLI富時國際股票貨幣中性ETF | FTSE Developed ex North America 50% Hedged to USD Index | -0.2873 |
ACLO | TCW AAA級CLO主動型ETF | | -0.2853 |
DFSI | Dimensional國際永續發展核心1主動型ETF | | -0.2848 |
IPAV | Global X基礎設施發展(美國除外) ETF | Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. Index | -0.2830 |
WXET | Teucrium每日2倍做多小麥主動型ETF | | -0.2824 |
QLVD | FlexShares已開發市場不含美國優質低波動指數ETF | Northern Trust Developed Markets ex US Quality Low Volatility Index | -0.2817 |
TSMU | GraniteShares每日2倍做多TSM主動型ETF | | -0.2814 |
BIDD | BlackRock國際股利主動型ETF | | -0.2797 |
DWCR | Arrow DWA戰術:國際ETF | Dorsey Wright Country and Stock Momentum Index | -0.2793 |
GSEU | Goldman Sachs積極貝塔歐洲股票ETF | Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Europe Equity Index | -0.2790 |
HEDJ | WisdomTree歐洲股票型匯率避險ETF | WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Index | -0.2788 |
VGK | Vanguard FTSE歐洲ETF | FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Index | -0.2788 |
EWD | iShares MSCI瑞典ETF | MSCI Sweden 25/50 Index | -0.2775 |
00966B | 統一ESG投等債15+ | 彭博MSCI全球成熟市場15年以上美元BBB級永續ESG動能加權公司債指數 | -0.2773 |
EFAV | iShares MSCI歐澳遠東最小波動率因子ETF | MSCI EAFE Minimum Volatility (USD) Index | -0.2771 |
FLEE | Franklin FTSE歐洲ETF | FTSE Developed Europe Capped Index | -0.2753 |
BBEU | JPMorgan BetaBuilders歐洲ETF | Morningstar Developed Europe Target Market Exposure Index | -0.2753 |
EUSC | WisdomTree歐洲小型股匯率避險ETF | WisdomTree Europe Hedged SmallCap Equity Index | -0.2749 |
EPOL | iShares MSCI波蘭ETF | MSCI Poland IMI 25/50 Index | -0.2739 |
QEFA | SPDR MSCI歐澳遠東戰略因素ETF | MSCI EAFE Factor Mix A-Series Index | -0.2733 |
BUFY | FT Vest階梯型國際適度緩衝主動型ETF | | -0.2713 |
PFFA | Virtus InfraCap美國優先股主動型ETF | | -0.2704 |
FEZ | SPDR歐洲STOXX 50指數ETF | EURO STOXX 50 Index | -0.2697 |
UPV | ProShares二倍做多FTSE歐洲ETF | FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Index | -0.2683 |
EZU | iShares MSCI歐元區ETF | MSCI EMU Index | -0.2680 |
PABD | iShares巴黎氣候聯盟MSCI全球(美國除外)ETF | MSCI World ex USA Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Extended Select Index | -0.2679 |
IEV | iShares歐洲ETF | Standard & Poor's Europe 350 Index | -0.2676 |
FLEU | Franklin富時歐元區ETF | FTSE Developed Eurozone Index | -0.2670 |
OSEA | Harbor國際組合主動型ETF | | -0.2665 |
SPWO | SP Funds標普伊斯蘭教法ETF | S&P DM Ex-U.S. & EM 50/50 Shariah Index (USD) NTR Index | -0.2655 |
DXIV | Dimensional國際向量股票主動型ETF | | -0.2651 |
SPEU | SPDR投資組合歐洲ETF | STOXX Europe Total Market Index | -0.2647 |
IQDE | FlexShares國際優質高股利防禦型指數ETF | Northern Trust International Quality Dividend Defensive Index | -0.2629 |
EURL | Direxion每日三倍做多FTSE歐洲ETF | FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Index | -0.2622 |
BKCI | BNY Mellon集中國際主動型ETF | | -0.2609 |
1319 | NEXT FUNDS日經300ETF | 日經300指數 | -0.2606 |
EUDV | ProShares MSCI歐洲股利成長ETF | MSCI Europe Dividend Masters Index | -0.2602 |
DBEZ | Xtrackers MSCI歐元區匯率避險股票ETF | MSCI EMU IMI US Dollar Hedged Index | -0.2601 |
EWG | iShares MSCI德國ETF | MSCI Germany Index | -0.2591 |
IEUR | iShares核心MSCI歐洲ETF | MSCI Europe Investable Market Index | -0.2573 |
JHMD | John Hancock多因子已開發市場國際ETF | John Hancock Dimensional Developed International Index | -0.2561 |
FEDM | FlexShares ESG&氣候已開發市場(不含美國核心指數)ETF | Northern Trust ESG & Climate Developed Markets ex-US Core Index | -0.2546 |
DAX | Global X德國DAX指數ETF | DAX Index | -0.2513 |
HEZU | iShares匯率避險MSCI歐元區ETF | MSCI EMU 100% USD Hedged Index | -0.2503 |
00970B | 新光BBB投等債20+ | ICE20年期以上BBB美元公司債優選收益率指數 | -0.2497 |
EIRL | iShares MSCI愛爾蘭ETF | MSCI All Ireland Capped Index | -0.2482 |
HAUZ | Xtrackers國際房地產ETF | iSTOXX Developed and Emerging Markets ex USA PK VN Real Estate Index | -0.2478 |
DWMF | WisdomTree國際多因子主動型ETF | | -0.2476 |
FICS | First Trust國際已開發資本實力ETF | International Developed Capital Strength Index | -0.2474 |
KXI | iShares全球必需性消費ETF | S&P Global 1200 Consumer Staples Sector Capped Index | -0.2464 |
OAIM | OneAscent國際股票主動型ETF | | -0.2460 |
CRSH | YieldMax放空TSLA期權收益策略主動型ETF | | -0.2455 |
DOL | WisdomTree國際高股利大型股ETF | WisdomTree International LargeCap Dividend index | -0.2451 |
3104 | Global X 新興市場亞洲主動型 ETF | | -0.2450 |
IMAY | Innovator國際已開發動力緩衝主動型ETF-5月 | | -0.2448 |
IJUL | Innovator國際已開發動力緩衝主動型ETF-7月 | | -0.2430 |
VNQI | Vanguard全球不含美國房地產ETF | S&P Global ex-U.S. Property Index | -0.2424 |
IAUG | Innovator國際已開發動力緩衝主動型ETF-8月 | | -0.2421 |
NUDM | Nuveen ESG國際已開發市場股票ETF | TIAA ESG International Developed Markets Equity Index | -0.2415 |
ILOW | AB國際低波動股票主動型ETF | | -0.2415 |
SEIE | SEI精選國際股票主動型ETF | | -0.2410 |
GDAXIEX@GR | iShares德國DAX UCITS指數ETF | DAX | -0.2404 |
2854 | Global X日本科技前20大ETF | FactSet Japan Tech Top 20 Index | -0.2398 |
VWID | Virtus WMC國際股利主動型ETF | | -0.2397 |
EDGI | 3EDGE動態國際股票主動型ETF | | -0.2394 |
YDEC | FT Vest國際股票適度緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | -0.2391 |
FEUZ | First Trust歐元區AlphaDEX ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Eurozone Index | -0.2385 |
IQDG | WisdomTree國際股利成長ETF | WisdomTree International Quality Dividend Growth Index | -0.2382 |
IDVY@LN | iShares歐元區高股息UCITS ETF | EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 | -0.2382 |
HDMV | First Trust Horizon管理已開發市場國際波動率主動型ETF | | -0.2373 |
PPH | VanEck製藥ETF | MVIS US Listed Pharmaceutical 25 Index (Total Return) | -0.2371 |
1348 | MAXIS TOPIX指數ETF | 東證股價指數 | -0.2369 |
DFIS | Dimensional國際小型股主動型ETF | | -0.2368 |
ESGD | iShares ESG感知MSCI歐澳遠東ETF | MSCI EAFE Extended ESG Focus Index | -0.2366 |
EFO | ProShares二倍做多MSCI歐澳遠東ETF | MSCI EAFE Index | -0.2361 |
YMAR | FT Vest國際股票適度緩衝主動型ETF-3月 | | -0.2360 |
DWM | WisdomTree國際股市ETF | WisdomTree International Equity Index | -0.2357 |
PCLO | Virtus Seix AAA私人信貸CLO主動型ETF | | -0.2356 |
FIVA | Fidelity國際價值因子ETF | Fidelity Intl Value Factor NR USD | -0.2354 |
IJAN | Innovator國際已開發動力緩衝主動型ETF-1月 | | -0.2346 |
CVIE | Calvert國際負責任指數ETF | Calvert International Responsible Index | -0.2341 |