SHLD | Global X國防科技ETF | Global X Defense Tech Index | 0.9970 |
EMDM | First Trust彭博新興市場民主國家ETF | Bloomberg Emerging Market Democracies Index | 0.9918 |
PLTU | Direxion每日2倍做多PLTR主動型ETF | | 0.9844 |
FRTY | Alger中型股40主動型ETF | | 0.9831 |
XDJA | Innovator美國股票加速主動型ETF-1月 | | 0.9831 |
RNEM | First Trust新興市場股票精選ETF | Nasdaq Riskalyze Emerging Markets Index | 0.9812 |
PTIR | GraniteShares每日2倍做多PLTR主動型ETF | | 0.9802 |
FXU | First Trust公用事業AlphaDEX指數ETF | StrataQuant Utilities Index | 0.9781 |
KALL | KraneShares MSCI全中國指數ETF | MSCI China All Shares Index | 0.9766 |
COWG | Pacer美國大型股金牛成長領袖ETF | Pacer US Large Cap Cash Cows Growth Leaders Index | 0.9757 |
FPX | First Trust美股機會ETF | IPOX-100 U.S. Index | 0.9751 |
JAND | Innovator溢價收益10屏障主動型ETF-1月 | | 0.9723 |
KLXY | KraneShares全球奢侈品指數ETF | Solactive Global Luxury Select Index | 0.9719 |
RFEM | First Trust RiverFront Dynamic新興市場主動型ETF | | 0.9701 |
LUX | Tema奢侈品主動型ETF | | 0.9699 |
FLYU | MicroSectors旅遊每日三倍做多ETN | MerQube MicroSectors U.S. Travel Index | 0.9694 |
FLOT | iShares浮動利率債券ETF | Bloomberg US Floating Rate Note < 5 Years Index | 0.9683 |
UTSL | Direxion每日三倍做多公用事業類股ETF | Utilities Select Sector Index | 0.9649 |
UAE | iShares MSCI阿拉伯聯合大公國ETF | MSCI All UAE Capped Index | 0.9648 |
KHPI | Kensington避險保費收入主動型ETF | | 0.9593 |
MARB | First Trust併購套利主動型ETF | | 0.9577 |
XRMI | Global X標普500風險管理收益ETF | Cboe S&P 500 Risk Managed Income Index | 0.9561 |
FTSM | First Trust增強短期到期主動型ETF | | 0.9549 |
KEMX | KraneShares MSCI新興市場不含中國指數ETF | MSCI Emerging Markets ex China Index | 0.9523 |
XYLD | Global X標普500掩護性買權ETF | CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index | 0.9522 |
CRWL | GraniteShares每日2倍做多CRWD主動型ETF | | 0.9518 |
CLOX | Panagram AAA級CLO債券主動型ETF | | 0.9490 |
XLU | SPDR公用事業類股ETF | Utilities Select Sector Index | 0.9487 |
IGLD | FT Vest黃金策略目標收益主動型ETF | | 0.9477 |
KRBN | KraneShares全球碳策略ETF | S&P Global Carbon Credit Index | 0.9474 |
CLOZ | Panagram BBB-B CLO主動型ETF | | 0.9464 |
3096 | 南方東英美元貨幣市場ETF | 富時三個月離岸美元存款指數 | 0.9454 |
82817 | Premia中國國庫及政策性銀行債券長久期ETF-未對沖單位類別 | ICE 10+ Year China Government & Policy Bank Index | 0.9454 |
83005 | 南方東英中證500 ETF | 中證500指數 | 0.9454 |
9196 | 博時美元貨幣市場ETF | | 0.9454 |
9177 | Premia中國國庫及政策性銀行債券長久期ETF-美元對沖單位類別 | ICE 10+ Year China Government & Policy Bank Index | 0.9454 |
83196 | 博時美元貨幣市場ETF | | 0.9454 |
ECLN | First Trust EIP碳影響主動型ETF | | 0.9448 |
AAPB | GraniteShares每日2倍做多AAPL主動型ETF | | 0.9432 |
KCCA | KraneShares加州碳配額策略ETF | S&P Carbon Credit CCA Index | 0.9424 |
RSPU | Invesco標普500平均加權公用事業類股ETF | S&P 500 Equal Weight Utilities Plus Index | 0.9423 |
9011 | A工銀中金美-U | | 0.9420 |
HYDR | Global X氫ETF | Solactive Global Hydrogen Index | 0.9389 |
KWEB | KraneShares滬深中國網路ETF | CSI Overseas China Internet Index | 0.9370 |
SKYY | First Trust雲端運算ETF | ISE CTA Cloud Computing Index | 0.9359 |
ADPV | 自適應精選主動型ETF | | 0.9352 |
FUTY | Fidelity MSCI公用事業指數ETF | MSCI USA IMI/UTILITIES 25-50 NR USD | 0.9343 |
PUI | Invesco Dorsey Wright公用事業動能組合ETF | Dorsey Wright Utilities Technical Leaders Index | 0.9334 |
OBOR | KraneShares MSCI一帶一路指數ETF | MSCI Global China Infrastructure Exposure Index | 0.9334 |
FYLG | Global X金融掩護性買權與成長ETF | Cboe S&P Financial Select Sector Half BuyWrite Index | 0.9331 |
VPU | Vanguard公用事業類股 | MSCI US Investable Market Utilities 25/50 Index | 0.9331 |
PSK | SPDR ICE優先股ETF | ICE Exchange-Listed Fixed & Adjustable Rate Preferred Securities Index | 0.9315 |
PPA | Invesco航太與國防ETF | SPADE Defense Index | 0.9314 |
IDU | iShares美國公用事業ETF | Russell 1000 Utilities RIC 22.5/45 Capped Index | 0.9310 |
9151 | Premia中國科創50ETF | 上證科創板50成份指數 | 0.9291 |
EMNT | PIMCO增強短期到期ESG主動型ETF | | 0.9284 |
USMF | WisdomTree美國多因子ETF | WisdomTree U.S. Multifactor Index | 0.9277 |
GDE | WisdomTree高效黃金Plus股票策略主動型ETF | | 0.9233 |
JXI | iShares全球公用事業ETF | S&P Global 1200 Utilities (Sector) Capped Index (USD) | 0.9230 |
HYLS | First Trust戰術非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.9209 |
RFEU | First Trust RiverFront動力歐洲主動型ETF | | 0.9183 |
MDIV | First Trust多重資產收益指數ETF | Nasdaq US Multi-Asset Diversified Income Index | 0.9170 |
IHAK | iShares網路安全與科技ETF | NYSE FactSet Global Cyber Security Index | 0.9147 |
2832 | 博時科創50指數ETF | 上證科創板50成份指數 | 0.9142 |
FTHF | First Trust新興市場人類繁榮ETF | Emerging Markets Human Flourishing Index | 0.9127 |
WCMI | First Trust WCM國際股票主動型ETF | | 0.9125 |
9191 | Global X中國半導體ETF | FactSet中國半導體指數(淨總回報) | 0.9121 |
EZA | iShares MSCI南非ETF | MSCI South Africa 25/50 Index | 0.9096 |
IBHE | iShares iBonds 2025年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2025 Term High Yield and Income Index | 0.9090 |
CRUZ | Defiance飯店、航空公司和郵輪ETF | BlueStar Global Hotels, Airlines, and Cruises Index | 0.9082 |
UPW | ProShares二倍做多公用事業ETF | S&P Utilities Select Sector Index | 0.9080 |
AAPU | Direxion每日2倍做多AAPL主動型ETF | | 0.9063 |
FXH | First Trust健康照護AlphaDEX指數ETF | StrataQuant Health Care Index | 0.9056 |
3109 | 南方東英科創板50指數ETF | 上證科創板50成份指數 | 0.9038 |
FOWF | Pacer Solactive Whitney戰爭未來ETF | Solactive Whitney Future of Warfare Index | 0.9024 |
FDND | FT Vest道瓊網路與目標收入主動型ETF | | 0.9003 |
QHY | WisdomTree美國非投資等級公司債券ETF | WisdomTree U.S. High Yield Corporate Bond Index | 0.9003 |
82832 | 博時科創50指數ETF | 上證科創板50成份指數 | 0.9001 |
IHY | VanEck國際非投資等級債ETF | ICE BofA Global ex-US Issuers High Yield Constrained Index | 0.8991 |
FTGC | First Trust全球戰術商品策略主動型ETF | | 0.8983 |
SPHD | Invesco標普500高股利低波動ETF | S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend Index | 0.8979 |
NUMG | Nuveen ESG中型成長股ETF | TIAA ESG USA Mid-Cap Growth Index | 0.8976 |
WFH | Direxion在家工作ETF | Solactive Remote Work Index | 0.8974 |
PICB | Invesco國際公司債券ETF | S&P International Corporate Bond Index | 0.8971 |
3191 | Global X中國半導體ETF | FactSet中國半導體指數(淨總回報) | 0.8952 |
COMB | GraniteShares彭博商品整體策略No K-1主動型ETF | | 0.8947 |
EMLC | VanEck J.P. Morgan新興市場當地貨幣債券ETF | J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Core Index | 0.8943 |
GNOM | Global X基因體學與生物技術ETF | Solactive Genomics Index | 0.8941 |
PGF | Invesco金融優先股ETF | ICE Exchange-Listed Fixed Rate Financial Preferred Securities Index | 0.8933 |
DJP | iPath彭博商品指數ETN | Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return | 0.8923 |
TBIL | 美國國庫3個月期票據ETF | ICE BofA US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index | 0.8919 |
UCYB | ProShares二倍做多納斯達克網路安全ETF | Nasdaq CTA Cybersecurity Index | 0.8915 |
83151 | Premia中國科創50ETF | 上證科創板50成份指數 | 0.8905 |
EPRF | Innovator標普投資級優先股ETF | S&P U.S. High Quality Preferred Stock Index | 0.8902 |
GII | SPDR標普全球基礎設施ETF | S&P Global Infrastructure Index | 0.8899 |
GHYG | iShares美國與國際非投資等級公司債券ETF | Markit iBoxx Global Developed Markets High Yield Index | 0.8896 |
KEUA | KraneShares歐洲碳配額策略ETF | S&P Carbon Credit EUA Index | 0.8891 |
UJAN | Innovator美國股票超緩衝主動型ETF-1月 | | 0.8891 |
IBIC | iShares iBonds 2026年10月期抗通膨債券ETF | ICE 2026 Maturity US Inflation-Linked Treasury Index | 0.8881 |
IWP | iShares羅素中型成長股ETF | Russell Midcap Growth index | 0.8874 |