IQRA | NYLI世邦魏理仕房地產主動型ETF | | 0.8899 |
MPRO | Monarch ProCap指數ETF | Monarch ProCap Index | 0.8827 |
PRVS | Parnassus價值精選主動型ETF | | 0.8776 |
EAOK | iShares ESG感知保守配置ETF | BlackRock ESG Aware Conservative Allocation Index | 0.8658 |
INCM | Franklin收益聚焦主動型ETF | | 0.8623 |
GREI | Goldman Sachs未來房地產和基礎設施股票主動型ETF | | 0.8597 |
SQMX | FT Vest美國股票季度最大緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.8564 |
HOMZ | Hoya住房業ETF | Hoya Capital Housing 100 Index | 0.8553 |
GBLD | Invesco MSCI綠色建築ETF | MSCI Global Green Building Index | 0.8525 |
PRCS | Parnassus核心精選主動型ETF | | 0.8498 |
MSSM | Morgan Stanley Pathway中小型股主動型ETF | | 0.8484 |
VWOB | Vanguard新興市場政府債券ETF | Bloomberg USD Emerging Markets Government RIC Capped Index | 0.8472 |
REET | iShares全球不動產投資信託ETF | FTSE EPRA Nareit Global REITS Net Total Return Index | 0.8437 |
EMB | iShares摩根新興市場美元債券ETF | J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Core Index | 0.8418 |
ASET | FlexShares實物資產配置ETF | Northern Trust Real Assets Allocation Index | 0.8412 |
AOK | iShares核心保守配置ETF | S&P Target Risk Conservative Index | 0.8394 |
RWO | SPDR道瓊全球房地產ETF | Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities Index | 0.8380 |
DECM | FT Vest美國股票最大緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.8377 |
IRTR | iShares LifePath退休主動型ETF | | 0.8364 |
NBGR | Neuberger Berman全球房地產主動型ETF | | 0.8362 |
WDIV | SPDR S&P全球高股息ETF | S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Index | 0.8353 |
RPAR | RPAR風險平價ETF | Advanced Research Risk Parity Index | 0.8345 |
EMHC | SPDR彭博新興市場美元債券ETF | Bloomberg Emerging USD Bond Core Index | 0.8344 |
WTRE | WisdomTree新經濟房地產ETF | CenterSquare New Economy Real Estate Index | 0.8316 |
JPMB | JPMorgan美元新興市場主權債券ETF | JPMorgan Emerging Markets Risk-Aware Bond Index | 0.8287 |
EAOM | iShares ESG感知適度配置ETF | BlackRock ESG Aware Moderate Allocation Index | 0.8267 |
BYLD | iShares收益最佳化債券ETF | Morningstar U.S. Bond Market Yield-Optimized Index | 0.8251 |
LDRH | iShares iBonds 1-5年期非投資等級與營收階梯ETF | BlackRock iBonds 1-5 Year High Yield and Income Ladder Index | 0.8249 |
RDOG | ALPS不動產投資信託高股利ETF | S-Network REIT Dividend Dogs Index | 0.8231 |
SPYD | SPDR投資組合標普500高股利ETF | S&P 500 High Dividend Index | 0.8217 |
PHB | Invesco基本面非投資等級公司債券ETF | RAFI Bonds US High Yield 1-10 Index | 0.8177 |
UJB | ProShares二倍做多非投資等級ETF | Markit iBoxx $ Liquid High Yield Index | 0.8156 |
PPTY | 美國多元房地產ETF | USREX - U.S. Diversified Real Estate Index | 0.8154 |
AVRE | Avantis房地產主動型ETF | | 0.8151 |
IYLD | iShares晨星多重資產收益ETF | Morningstar Multi-Asset High Income Index | 0.8148 |
OAKM | Oakmark美國大型股主動型ETF | | 0.8142 |
IVRA | Invesco房地產ESG主動型ETF | | 0.8133 |
VNQ | Vanguard房地產ETF | MSCI US Investable Market Real Estate 25/50 Index | 0.8132 |
BUFM | AB適度緩衝主動型ETF | | 0.8128 |
USHY | iShares美元非投資等級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 0.8121 |
VGSR | Vert全球永續房地產主動型ETF | | 0.8106 |
NFRA | FlexShares STOXX全球整體基礎建設ETF | STOXX Global Broad Infrastructure Index | 0.8099 |
NCPB | Nuveen核心升級債券主動型ETF | | 0.8084 |
UPAR | UPAR超風險平價主動型ETF | | 0.8068 |
DFGR | Dimensional全球房地產主動型ETF | | 0.8059 |
AREA | Harbor AlphaEdge特選世代不動產投資信託ETF | Harbor AlphaEdge Next Generation REITs Index | 0.8048 |
KDEC | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.8044 |
SRHR | SRH不動產投資信託掩護性買權主動型ETF | | 0.8044 |
AINP | Allspring收益Plus主動型ETF | | 0.8042 |
SPHD | Invesco標普500高股利低波動ETF | S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend Index | 0.8024 |
MSLC | Morgan Stanley Pathway大型股主動型ETF | | 0.8005 |
IYR | iShares美國房地產指數ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Real Estate Capped Index | 0.8003 |
PSR | Invesco美國房地產指數主動型ETF | | 0.8000 |
JNK | SPDR彭博非投資等級債ETF | Bloomberg High Yield Very Liquid Index | 0.7998 |
JHHY | John Hancock非投資等級主動型ETF | | 0.7997 |
SRET | Global X超級股息不動產投資信託ETF | Solactive Global SuperDividend REIT Index | 0.7997 |
RSDE | FT Vest美國股票等權重緩衝主動型ETF-12月 | | 0.7995 |
BSJU | Invesco BulletShares 2030非投資等級公司債券ETF | Nasdaq BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2030 Index | 0.7994 |
FREL | Fidelity MSCI房地產指數ETF | MSCI USA IMI/REAL ESTATE 25-25 NR USD | 0.7993 |
LQDI | iShares抗通膨公司債券ETF | BlackRock Inflation Hedged Corporate Bond Index | 0.7988 |
MSSS | Monarch精選子行業指數ETF | Monarch Select Subsector Index | 0.7986 |
PCY | Invesco新興市場主權債券ETF | DBIQ Emerging Market USD Liquid Balanced Index | 0.7981 |
KLMN | Invesco MSCI北美氣候ETF | MSCI Global Climate 500 North America Selection Index | 0.7981 |
IBHK | iShares iBonds 2031年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2031 Term High Yield and Income Index | 0.7973 |
DTRE | First Trust Alerian顛覆性科技房地產ETF | Alerian Disruptive Technology Real Estate Index | 0.7968 |
SPBO | SPDR投資組合公司債券ETF | Bloomberg U.S. Corporate Bond Index | 0.7957 |
SPHY | SPDR投資組合非投資等級債券ETF | ICE BofA US High Yield Index | 0.7954 |
JHCB | John Hancock公司債券主動型ETF | | 0.7940 |
TOLZ | ProShares DJ Brookfield全球基礎建設ETF | Dow Jones Brookfield Global Infrastructure Composite Index | 0.7938 |
HYBB | iShares BB級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA BB US High Yield Constrained Index (USD) | 0.7936 |
ABFL | Abacus FCF領袖主動型ETF | | 0.7935 |
ABLD | Abacus FCF實物資產領袖ETF | FCF Yield Enhanced Real Asset Index | 0.7933 |
EMHY | iShares摩根新興市場非投資等級債券ETF | J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets High Yield Bond Index | 0.7918 |
SJNK | SPDR彭博短期非投資等級債券ETF | Bloomberg US High Yield 350mn Cash Pay 0-5 Yr 2% Capped Index | 0.7918 |
FRI | First Trust標普不動產投資信託指數ETF | S&P United States REIT Index | 0.7915 |
FLCO | Franklin投資級公司債券主動型ETF | | 0.7915 |
USIG | iShares美國整體投資級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA US Corporate Index | 0.7913 |
FMCE | FM複合股票主動型ETF | | 0.7913 |
GQRE | FlexShares全球優質房地產指數ETF | Northern Trust Global Quality Real Estate Index | 0.7902 |
LQD | iShares iBoxx投資等級公司債券ETF | Markit iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Index | 0.7896 |
FALN | iShares墮落天使美元債券ETF | Bloomberg US High Yield Fallen Angel 3% Capped Index | 0.7894 |
MBBB | VanEck穆迪分析BBB級美元公司債券ETF | MVIS Moody's Analytics US BBB Corporate Bond Index | 0.7891 |
EUSM | Eventide美國市場主動型ETF | | 0.7889 |
BBBL | BondBloxx BBB評級10年以上公司債券ETF | Bloomberg US Corporate BBB 10+ Year Index | 0.7882 |
DEW | WisdomTree全球高股利ETF | WisdomTree Global High Dividend Index | 0.7876 |
ZTEN | F/m 10年期投資級公司債ETF | ICE 10-Year US Target Maturity Corporate Index | 0.7875 |
ELQD | iShares ESG高級投資級公司債券ETF | iBoxx MSCI ESG Advanced USD Liquid Investment Grade Index | 0.7871 |
SUSC | iShares ESG感知美元公司債券ETF | Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate ESG Focus Index | 0.7864 |
RITA | ETFB Green SRI不動產投資信託ETF | FTSE EPRA Nareit Ideal Ratings Developed REITs Islamic Green Capped Index | 0.7857 |
SCY | Simplify美國小型股PLUS收入主動型ETF | | 0.7849 |
MYCL | SPDR SSGA My2032公司債券主動型ETF | | 0.7847 |
AOM | iShares核心適度配置ETF | S&P Target Risk Moderate Index | 0.7846 |
HYDB | iShares非投資等級系統性債券ETF | BlackRock High Yield Systematic Bond Index | 0.7839 |
RWR | SPDR道瓊不動產投資信託ETF | Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT Index | 0.7833 |
DSCF | Discipline基金主動型ETF | | 0.7830 |
HYRM | Xtrackers風險管理美元高收益策略ETF | Adaptive Wealth Strategies Risk Managed High Yield Index | 0.7829 |
IGIB | iShares 5-10年期投資級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA 5-10 Year US Corporate Index | 0.7827 |
BSJW | Invesco BulletShares 2032非投資等級公司債券ETF | BulletShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond 2032 Index | 0.7827 |
BBBI | BondBloxx BBB評級5-10年期公司債券ETF | Bloomberg US Corporate BBB 5-10 Year Index | 0.7823 |
IGLB | iShares 10年期以上投資級公司債券ETF | ICE BofA 10+ Year US Corporate Index | 0.7820 |