INDA | iShares MSCI印度ETF | MSCI India Index | 0.8590 |
INDL | Direxion MSCI每日二倍做多印度ETF | MSCI India Index | 0.8523 |
FLIN | Franklin富時印度ETF | FTSE India Capped Index | 0.8391 |
EPI | WisdomTree印度高盈利指數ETF | WisdomTree India Earnings index | 0.8284 |
NDIA | Global X印度主動型ETF | | 0.8151 |
INDY | iShares印度50 ETF | Nifty 50 Index | 0.7976 |
INQQ | INQQ印度互聯網ETF | INQQ The India Internet Index | 0.7960 |
INDE | Matthews印度主動型ETF | | 0.7628 |
INCO | Columbia印度消費者ETF | Indxx India Consumer Index | 0.7626 |
NFTY | First Trust印度NIFTY 50等權重ETF | NIFTY 50 Equal Weight Index | 0.7597 |
GLIN | VanEck印度成長領袖ETF | MarketGrader India All-Cap Growth Leaders Index | 0.7370 |
DGIN | VanEck數位印度ETF | MVIS Digital India Index | 0.7278 |
3404 | 華夏印度 | MSCI 印度淨總回報(美元)指數 | 0.7198 |
INDH | WisdomTree印度避險股票ETF | WisdomTree India Hedged Equity Index | 0.7045 |
INDF | Range印度金融ETF | Nifty Financial Services 25/50 Index | 0.6873 |
9840 | SPDR金ETF | 倫敦黃金定盤價 | 0.6833 |
SMIN | iShares MSCI印度小型股ETF | MSCI India Small Cap Index | 0.6813 |
82840 | SPDR金ETF | 倫敦黃金定盤價 | 0.6775 |
2836 | iShares 安碩核心SENSEX印度ETF | BSE SENSEX 指數 | 0.6373 |
9404 | 華夏MSCI印度ETF | MSCI 印度淨總回報(美元)指數 | 0.6247 |
EEMO | Invesco標普新興市場動能組合ETF | S&P Momentum Emerging Plus LargeMidCap Index | 0.6187 |
9836 | iShares 安碩核心SENSEX印度ETF | BSE SENSEX 指數 | 0.6175 |
IFN | 印度基金 | MSCI India Index (Net Dividends) | 0.6158 |
83404 | 華夏MSCI印度ETF | MSCI 印度淨總回報(美元)指數 | 0.6107 |
I98@SG | iShares MSCI印度氣候轉型ETF | MSCI India ESG Enhanced Focus CTB Select Net Index | 0.6101 |
PIN | Invesco印度ETF | FTSE India Quality and Yield Select Index | 0.6067 |
MUSE | TCW多部門信貸收益主動型ETF | | 0.5820 |
DEXC | Dimensional新興市場(不含中國)核心股票主動型ETF | | 0.5647 |
ZAP | Global X美國電氣化ETF | | 0.5312 |
BGDV | Bahl & Gaynor股利主動型ETF | | 0.5254 |
FMQQ | FMQQ特選前沿互聯網ETF | FMQQ The Next Frontier Internet Index | 0.5248 |
DGRE | WisdomTree新興市場股利成長ETF | WisdomTree Emerging Markets Quality Dividend Growth Index | 0.5239 |
XCNY | SPDR標普新興市場(中國除外)ETF | S&P Emerging Ex-China BMI | 0.5156 |
MARO | YieldMax MARA選擇權收益策略主動型ETF | | 0.5136 |
3015 | Xtrackers Nifty 50 印度掉期 UCITS ETF | Nifty50指數 | 0.5009 |
00652 | 富邦印度 | NIFTY指數 | 0.4856 |
00653L | 富邦印度正2 | NIFTY正向2倍指數 | 0.4841 |
IPAV | Global X基礎設施發展(美國除外)ETF | Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. Index | 0.4775 |
EMM | Global X新興市場(不含中國)主動型ETF | | 0.4751 |
KNOV | Innovator美國小型股動力緩衝主動型ETF-11月 | | 0.4732 |
NFRA | FlexShares STOXX全球整體基礎建設ETF | STOXX Global Broad Infrastructure Index | 0.4700 |
IGCB | TCW公司債券主動型ETF | | 0.4616 |
AVXC | Avantis新興市場(不含中國)主動型ETF | | 0.4611 |
TSPY | TappAlpha SPY成長與每日收入主動型ETF | | 0.4608 |
HNDL | Strategy Shares納斯達克7HANDL指數ETF | NASDAQ 7 HANDL Index | 0.4608 |
STXE | Strive新興市場(不含中國)ETF | Bloomberg Emerging Markets ex China Large & Mid Cap Index | 0.4596 |
OUSA | ALPS OShares美國優質股利ETF | O'Shares U.S. Quality Dividend Index | 0.4546 |
IBHI | iShares iBonds 2029年期非投資等級與收入ETF | Bloomberg 2029 Term High Yield and Income Index (USD) | 0.4544 |
LCR | Leuthold核心主動型ETF | | 0.4499 |
CPSY | Calamos標普500結構性另類保護主動型ETF-1月 | | 0.4474 |
EATZ | AdvisorShares餐廳主動型ETF | | 0.4444 |
SCDV | Bahl & Gaynor小型股股利主動型ETF | | 0.4443 |
PSL | Invesco Dorsey Wright必需性消費動能組合ETF | Dorsey Wright Consumer Staples Technical Leaders Index | 0.4441 |
CPAI | Counterpoint量化股票ETF | | 0.4427 |
EMPB | Efficient市場投資組合Plus主動型ETF | | 0.4423 |
HYIN | WisdomTree替代收益ETF | Gapstow Liquid Alternative Credit Index | 0.4421 |
LDRH | iShares iBonds 1-5年期非投資等級與營收階梯ETF | BlackRock iBonds 1-5 Year High Yield and Income Ladder Index | 0.4418 |
CPSN | Calamos標普500結構性另類保護主動型ETF-11月 | | 0.4417 |
MSSS | Monarch精選子行業指數ETF | Monarch Select Subsector Index | 0.4417 |
IYC | iShares美國非必需消費品ETF | Russell 1000 Consumer Disc 40 Act 15/22.5 Daily Capped Index | 0.4417 |
IEDI | iShares聚焦美國消費主動型ETF | | 0.4401 |
MOOD | Relative情緒戰術分配主動型ETF | | 0.4396 |
ABOT | Abacus FCF創新領袖ETF | FCF US Quality Innovation Index | 0.4396 |
SPHQ | Invesco標普500優質投資組合ETF | S&P 500 Quality Index | 0.4383 |
QBIG | Invesco頂級QQQ主動型ETF | | 0.4382 |
BSR | Beacon選擇性風險主動型ETF | | 0.4372 |
QMOM | Alpha Architect美國定量動能主動型ETF | Alpha Architect Quantitative Momentum Index | 0.4366 |
HYSA | BondBloxx美元非投資等級債券行業輪換主動型ETF | | 0.4356 |
SPXT | ProShares標普500不含科技股ETF | S&P 500 Ex-Information Technology Index | 0.4335 |
PSCU | Invesco標普小型公用事業&通訊服務類股ETF | S&P SmallCap 600 Capped Utilities & Communication Services Index | 0.4331 |
SPMV | Invesco標普500最小差異組合ETF | S&P 500 Minimum Volatility Index | 0.4327 |
FYC | First Trust小型成長股AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Small Cap Growth Index | 0.4314 |
SPDG | SPDR投資組合標普行業中性股息ETF | S&P Sector-Neutral High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index | 0.4311 |
FDLO | Fidelity低波動因子ETF | Fidelity US Low Volatility Factor TR USD | 0.4311 |
NDVG | Nuveen股利成長主動型ETF | | 0.4309 |
GLOV | Goldman Sachs積極貝塔世界低交易量股票ETF | GS AB World Low Vol Plus EQ NR Index | 0.4299 |
AOK | iShares核心保守配置ETF | S&P Target Risk Conservative Index | 0.4298 |
CEPI | REX加密股票溢價收益主動型ETF | | 0.4297 |
FDIS | Fidelity MSCI非必需消費指數ETF | MSCI USA IMI/CONSUMER DISCR 25-50 NR USD | 0.4295 |
FAD | First Trust全市場成長型AlphaDEX指數ETF | NASDAQ AlphaDEX Multi Cap Growth Index | 0.4293 |
ITDC | iShares LifePath目標日期2035主動型ETF | | 0.4287 |
WANT | Direxion每日三倍做多非必需消費ETF | Consumer Discretionary Select Sector Index | 0.4267 |
PIO | Invesco全球水資源ETF | NASDAQ OMX Global Water Index | 0.4264 |
KSEA | KraneShares Rockefeller海洋約定主動型ETF | | 0.4255 |
MFUS | PIMCO RAFI動力多因子美國股票ETF | RAFI Dynamic Multi-Factor U.S. Index | 0.4245 |
XLY | SPDR非必需消費類股ETF | Consumer Discretionary Select Sector Index | 0.4244 |
VCR | Vanguard非必需消費類股ETF | MSCI US Investable Market Consumer Discretionary 25/50 Index | 0.4241 |
BBLU | EA Bridgeway藍籌主動型ETF | | 0.4228 |
DRAI | Draco Evolution人工智慧主動型ETF | | 0.4224 |
PBOC | PGIM美國大型股緩衝20主動型ETF-10月 | | 0.4216 |
MODL | VictoryShares WestEnd美國部門主動型ETF | | 0.4215 |
RGEF | Rockefeller全球股票主動型ETF | | 0.4214 |
BTR | Beacon戰術風險主動型ETF | | 0.4201 |
VIG | Vanguard股利增值ETF | S&P U.S. Dividend Growers Index | 0.4201 |
BAUG | Innovator美國股票緩衝主動型ETF-8月 | | 0.4201 |
MTUM | iShares MSCI美國動能因子ETF | MSCI USA Momentum SR Variant Index (USD) | 0.4200 |
BCHP | Principal聚焦藍籌主動型ETF | | 0.4198 |
CGW | Invesco標普全球水資源指數ETF | S&P Global Water Index | 0.4195 |
TJUL | Innovator股票定義保護主動型ETF-2年至2025年7月 | | 0.4189 |
XC | WisdomTree新興市場(不含中國)ETF | WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-China Index | 0.4188 |