Quipt Home Medical Corp.
走勢 代碼 英文簡稱 日期 成交價 漲跌 幅度(%) 成交量 ETF檔數
ACCO Acco Brands Corporation 11/21 5.6700 0.0200 0.35 376,288 5
ALNT Allient 11/21 24.6200 -0.2500 -1.01 87,090 5
AORT Artivion 11/21 28.0300 0.8600 3.17 312,219 5
APEI American Public Education 11/21 19.6100 0.4900 2.56 92,413 5
ASC Ardmore Shipping 11/21 11.8900 -0.4300 -3.49 1,278,307 5
AVNW Aviat Networks 11/21 15.1200 0.6700 4.64 193,970 5
BBSI Barrett Business Services 11/21 42.2300 -0.1200 -0.28 242,621 5
BLX Banco Latinoamericano de Comerci 11/21 33.6400 0.2100 0.63 74,921 5
BMRC Bank of Marin 11/21 25.7050 0.1550 0.61 54,328 5
BSVN Bank7 11/21 47.8400 0.8400 1.79 32,453 5
BTMD Biote 11/21 6.1400 0.0800 1.32 147,209 5
BV BrightView Holdings 11/21 16.6600 0.9200 5.84 879,135 5
CAL Caleres 11/21 30.4600 0.7100 2.39 401,100 5
CASS Cass Information Systems 11/21 44.3000 0.4000 0.91 30,154 5
CCRN Cross Country Healthcare 11/21 10.3800 0.1700 1.67 252,658 5
CCSI Consensus Cloud Solutions 11/21 23.7500 0.0300 0.13 74,830 5
CFB CrossFirst Bankshares 11/21 17.5100 0.2800 1.63 120,034 5
CHMG Chemung Financial Corp 11/21 50.6350 0.5350 1.07 13,172 5
CIO City Office REIT, Inc. 11/21 5.0800 0.1600 3.25 317,172 5
CMCL Caledonia Mining 11/21 11.1900 0.2000 1.82 68,755 5
CMPO CompoSecure 11/21 15.5200 0.1200 0.78 992,645 5
CMT Core Molding Technologies 11/21 16.8800 1.0200 6.43 63,618 5
CPF Central Pacific Financial Corp. 11/21 31.3700 0.7200 2.35 183,110 5
CPSS Consumer Portfolio Services 11/21 10.6600 0.0700 0.66 86,628 5
CVLG Covenant Logistics Group 11/21 56.9600 0.2200 0.39 33,220 5
CZNC Citizens & Northern 11/21 20.0800 0.2400 1.21 23,737 5
DJCO Daily Journal 11/21 580.9700 19.3500 3.45 13,858 5
DXLG Destination XL 11/21 2.5800 0.0800 3.20 360,951 5
DXPE DXP Enterprises, Inc. 11/21 69.1200 1.0100 1.48 75,575 5
EBF Ennis Inc. 11/21 20.7600 0.0800 0.39 224,048 5
EGY VAALCO Energy 11/21 5.4100 0.1100 2.08 998,264 5
EPM Evolution Petroleum Corporation 11/21 6.1100 0.2200 3.74 305,137 5
ESCA Escalade, Incorporated 11/21 15.1500 0.5700 3.91 40,178 5
ESSA ESSA Bancorp, Inc. 11/21 20.1500 0.0600 0.30 15,126 5
ETD Ethan Allen 11/21 29.3100 0.3400 1.17 172,224 5
FBIZ First Business Financial Services 11/21 50.2500 0.4550 0.91 23,017 5
FCBC First Community Bankshares 11/21 45.7600 0.5500 1.22 31,595 5
FENC Fennec Pharmaceuticals 11/21 4.7200 0.0800 1.72 212,672 5
FFIC Flushing Financial 11/21 17.4200 0.3500 2.05 138,880 5
FLIC First of Long Island 11/21 14.0300 0.4600 3.39 88,486 5
FLWS 1-800 FLOWERS.COM 11/21 7.6300 0.1200 1.60 330,350 5
FLXS Flexsteel Industries 11/21 59.0100 0.1600 0.27 49,831 5
FMNB Farmers National Banc 11/21 15.4400 0.2900 1.91 77,857 5
FORR Forrester Research 11/21 16.7600 -0.1300 -0.77 82,634 5
FSTR L.B. Foster 11/21 27.2700 0.9500 3.61 30,721 5
GABC German American Bancorp 11/21 45.0800 0.1400 0.31 81,599 5
GCO Genesco 11/21 28.9500 0.0900 0.31 84,946 5
GNTY Guaranty Bancshares 11/21 36.7700 0.7100 1.97 14,840 5
GRNT Granite Ridge Resources 11/21 6.6100 0.0900 1.38 829,618 5
GPMT Granite Point Mortgage Trust 11/21 3.5200 0.0500 1.44 331,244 5
HBIO Harvard Bioscience 11/21 2.1600 0 0 244,481 5
HBB Hamilton Beach Brands Holding 11/21 19.1500 -0.2400 -1.24 20,993 5
HBCP Home Bancorp 11/21 48.9100 0.8300 1.73 12,895 5
HCKT Hackett Group 11/21 30.6800 0.1300 0.43 71,982 5
HOFT Hooker Furnishings 11/21 18.9000 1.3300 7.57 23,643 5
HSII Heidrick & Struggles 11/21 46.5900 1.6000 3.56 139,016 5
HTBK Heritage Commerce 11/21 10.7100 0.1900 1.81 330,604 5
HVT Haverty Furniture 11/21 23.1300 0.5300 2.35 174,270 5
HY Hyster-Yale 11/21 55.4200 1.2000 2.21 66,001 5
IBEX IBEX 11/21 21.1300 1.1100 5.54 453,899 5
IDT IDT 11/21 50.2200 0.7700 1.56 71,468 5
III Information Services Group 11/21 3.3350 0.0850 2.62 80,818 5
IMMR Immersion 11/21 8.6600 0.3400 4.09 609,102 5
JAKK JAKKS Pacific 11/21 27.7400 -0.6800 -2.39 143,574 5
JILL J. Jill 11/21 25.3300 0.8500 3.47 79,446 5
JOUT Johnson Outdoors 11/21 32.5100 0.8400 2.65 32,271 5
KELYA Kelly Services - Class A Common Stock 11/21 13.9200 -0.0400 -0.29 474,200 5
KRNY Kearny Financial 11/21 8.1900 0.1200 1.49 225,163 5
LCUT Lifetime Brands 11/21 5.6800 0.1700 3.09 38,211 5
LGTY Logility 11/21 11.2000 0.1200 1.08 201,551 5
LINC Lincoln Educational Services Corporation 11/21 15.6000 0.2200 1.43 275,087 5
LOVE Lovesac 11/21 35.4000 2.3400 7.08 309,948 5
LXFR Luxfer Holdings 11/21 13.9800 -0.1000 -0.71 139,378 5
LYTS LSI Industries Inc. 11/21 20.2300 0.2100 1.05 72,650 5
MCFT MasterCraft Boat Holdings 11/21 21.0000 0.4100 1.99 100,408 5
MDXG MiMedx 11/21 9.2200 0.1600 1.77 699,631 5
MED Medifast 11/21 18.3000 0.1400 0.77 269,600 5
MG Mistras Group 11/21 9.1500 0.1300 1.44 128,984 5
MLR Miller Industries 11/21 67.2500 0.4200 0.63 75,066 5
MOV Movado Group 11/21 19.0700 0.3200 1.71 106,366 5
MPX Marine Products 11/21 9.8400 0.2800 2.93 21,586 5
MYPS PLAYSTUDIOS 11/21 1.8500 0.1300 7.56 202,595 5
NAT Nordic American Tankers Limited 11/21 2.9900 -0.0100 -0.33 2,606,294 5
NATR Nature's Sunshine Products 11/21 15.6650 -0.3350 -2.09 41,874 5
NECB NorthEast Community Bank 11/21 29.4000 -0.2100 -0.71 41,212 5
NFBK Northfield Bancorp, Inc. 11/21 13.3000 0.2500 1.92 140,549 5
NGVC Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage 11/21 36.2500 1.4700 4.23 123,137 5
NL NL Industries Inc. 11/21 8.0300 0.1000 1.26 15,616 5
NLOP Net Lease Office Properties 11/21 31.0900 -0.0300 -0.10 66,883 5
NPK National Presto Industries Inc. 11/21 76.5200 0.9700 1.28 35,959 5
NREF NexPoint Real Estate Finance 11/21 17.0300 0.3000 1.79 47,970 5
ODC Oil-Dri 11/21 69.6500 0.8300 1.21 14,807 5
OLP One Liberty Properties, Inc. 11/21 28.5900 0.1300 0.46 32,618 5
ONL Orion Office REIT 11/21 4.0100 0.1800 4.70 396,341 5
OOMA Ooma 11/21 13.8000 0.1900 1.40 102,113 5
ORGO Organogenesis Holdings 11/21 4.0200 0.0500 1.26 755,479 5
OSPN OneSpan 11/21 17.6700 0.4100 2.38 372,807 5
PAHC Phibro Animal Health 11/21 23.7600 0.3700 1.58 199,666 5
PBYI Puma Biotechnology 11/21 2.9000 0.0600 2.11 404,795 5
PEBO Peoples Bancorp 11/21 35.2300 0.4400 1.26 108,528 5
PFIS Peoples Financial Services 11/21 54.8500 2.1600 4.10 57,232 5
PFMT Performant Financial Corporation 11/21 3.0800 0.1600 5.48 153,295 5
PFBC Preferred Bank 11/21 93.7600 0.6800 0.73 42,425 5
PKST Peakstone Realty Trust 11/21 12.7300 -0.0100 -0.08 132,360 5
PKBK Parke Bancorp, Inc. 11/21 23.0300 0.1900 0.83 24,537 5
PLPC Preformed Line Products 11/21 136.2000 1.2500 0.93 15,760 5
PRDO Perdoceo Education 11/21 26.8200 0.3900 1.48 752,794 5
RCKY Rocky Brands 11/21 20.9100 -0.0500 -0.24 51,426 5
REAL RealReal 11/21 4.4800 0.0500 1.13 2,807,582 5
REFI Chicago Atlantic Real Estate Finance 11/21 15.9700 0.0700 0.44 73,705 5
RELL Richardson Electronics 11/21 14.1200 -0.0100 -0.07 38,774 5
REVG REV Group 11/21 29.8200 0.6100 2.09 279,249 5
RGP Resources Connection 11/21 8.4000 0.1100 1.33 217,284 5
REPX Riley Exploration Permian 11/21 35.8700 0.7500 2.14 103,138 5
RIGL Rigel Pharmaceuticals 11/21 25.0400 0.7300 3.00 159,398 5
RLGT Radiant Logistics 11/21 7.2200 0.1200 1.69 113,617 5
RM Regional Management Corp. 11/21 29.7000 0.0400 0.13 13,839 5
RMAX RE/MAX 11/21 11.6100 0.3200 2.83 146,054 5
RMNI Rimini Street 11/21 1.9300 -0.0250 -1.28 150,454 5
SB Safe Bulkers Inc. 11/21 4.1200 -0.1100 -2.60 878,151 5
SCVL Shoe Carnival, Inc. 11/21 33.8500 0.3700 1.11 623,435 5
SEVN Seven Hills Realty Trust 11/21 13.0000 0.0500 0.39 32,873 5
SGC Superior Group 11/21 16.4600 0.1400 0.86 41,656 5
SIGA SIGA Technologies 11/21 6.2700 0.0200 0.32 324,440 5
SMBC Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc. 11/21 65.2600 0.7000 1.08 25,073 5
SNBR Sleep Number 11/21 12.3500 0.6800 5.83 367,715 5
SNDA Sonida Senior Living 11/21 24.5000 0.7300 3.07 103,933 5
SPOK Spok 11/21 16.0500 0.0900 0.56 79,299 5
SPTN SpartanNash 11/21 18.5800 0.4100 2.26 206,978 5
SRDX SurModics 11/21 39.1900 0.0200 0.05 124,543 5
SWBI Smith & Wesson Brands 11/21 13.2500 0.2600 2.00 437,741 5
SXC SunCoke Energy Inc. 11/21 12.6200 0.0500 0.40 605,760 5
TCMD Tactile Systems Technology 11/21 15.9400 0.3800 2.44 257,918 5
THR Thermon Group Holdings Inc. 11/21 31.1800 0.3400 1.10 211,472 5
TILE Interface 11/21 25.2100 -0.2600 -1.02 306,577 5
TITN Titan Machinery 11/21 14.4700 0.4200 2.99 243,355 5
TPB Turning Point 11/21 61.8400 -0.4700 -0.75 188,278 5
TRST TrustCo Bank Corp NY 11/21 36.7700 0.4800 1.32 71,721 5
TTSH Tile Shop 11/21 6.4700 0.2100 3.35 92,765 5
UHT Universal Health Realty Income Trust 11/21 40.6500 0.4800 1.19 54,861 5
ULH Universal Logistics Holdings 11/21 49.1400 1.3500 2.82 39,560 5
UTL UNITIL 11/21 60.2300 0.9600 1.62 73,441 5
VIRC Virco Manufacturing 11/21 16.1100 0.5800 3.73 78,131 5
VLGEA Village Super Market 11/21 31.9200 0.9200 2.97 13,141 5
VNDA Vanda Pharmaceuticals 11/21 4.9400 0.0400 0.82 344,865 5
VPG Vishay Precision 11/21 21.6700 0.2200 1.03 67,834 5
VRA Vera Bradley, Inc. 11/21 5.2700 0.2000 3.94 152,359 5
WEYS Weyco 11/21 36.0300 0.7500 2.13 8,847 5
WNC Wabash National 11/21 18.9100 0.4700 2.55 323,233 5
WRLD World Acceptance Corporation 11/21 117.5700 0.8800 0.75 14,312 5
YORW The York Water Company 11/21 35.4700 -0.0300 -0.08 50,658 5